Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AP Bio Lab

However, the e pigments will eve up the chromatography paper at different rates because they are not e equally soluble to the solvent. Photosynthesis has two main stages, the lightheartedness reaction and the lightheartedness reaction. Light independent reactions occur only in the light a ND produce TAP and NADIA which are then used by the lightheartedness reactions to fuel its pr access. Part B of this lab involves differing variables of light and carbon dioxide and the effects they have on the rate of photosynthesis.In this experiment, the rate of photosynthesis will be assured through the floating of leaf disks in solution. Ill. Hypothesis, Materials, and Method part A: Hypothesis: The plant will produce varying bands of yellow and green pigment TTS along the chromatography paper. Part B: Hypothesis: The more light or carbon dioxide there is, the faster the rate of p Hottentots. IV. Variables Independent Variable: Colors of the bands Dependent Variable: Plant pigment part e: Indep endent Variable: Sodium bicarbonate solution Dependent Variable: Time each disk took to floatControl: Water/Soap solution without carbon dioxide V. Data and Observations. Part A: Plant Pigments and Chromatography Observations: The plant produced five visible bands of color: dark green, light green, green, light yellow and dark yellow. All of the bands were the same distance apart ex kept for band 4 and the solvent front which were both mm apart. Data: Band # Distance(mm) Band Color o. Scorn dark brown 2 1. Mm light green 3 2. Mm green 4 4. Mm light yellow Solvent Front 6. Mm dark yellow Part B: Photosynthesis

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consumer Perception Towards Brand Choice

Changing Perception of Consumer towards Brand Choice and the role of culture in it: A Pakistan perspective An Argumentative Paper on the Bond between Brand Choice, Consumer’s Perception and Culture influence Ikra Nasir Bachelor of Business Administration, Comsats University of Science and Technology, Islamabad campus, Pakistan Haider Ahmed Qazi Bachelor of Business Administration, Comsats University of Science and Technology, Islamabad campus, Pakistan AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to investigate and discuss the importance of analyzing the consumer perception towards local and foreign brands. An argumentative approach has been used to reveal the importance of Consumer perception. Local and foreign brand choice is affected by brand image, country of origin, brand awareness, brand quality, Materialism. With the increasing trend of globalization consumer have become much more aware and their perceptions are changing at rapid pace, it has been seen that price, quality are considered to be major determinants of making their brand choice.Consumer’s value local brands because of low price but they prefer foreign brands because of better quality and durability and for status enhancement reasons. In order to understand consumer perception we need to understand culture so that necessities and behavior of consumers are well understood. The paper shows a link among three concepts and how they are interconnected. The discussion section views the concepts based on the findings of the research. A theoretical framework has been described which exhibit the antecedents on which the three concepts are being measured.Lastly the paper conclude that a cross-culture study is essential to understand the changing perception of consumers when making a brand choice between local and foreign products Keywords: Brand Choice, Perception, Globalization, Culture, Local and Foreign Brands Contents 1. Introduction3 1. 1. Problem Statement5 1. 2. Objectives of the study 5 1. 3. Significance of the research5 1. 4. Scope of the research6 1. 5. Limitation of research6 2. Literature Review6 2. 1 Local and Foreign Brands6 2. 2 Consumer Perception8 . 3 Role of Culture9 2. 4 Link between Local and Foreign brands, Consumer Perception, Culture. 10 3. Theoretical Framework and antecedents of variables11 4. Hypothesis12 5. Data Analysis12 5. 1Population13 5. 2Sample size13 5. 3Sampling Method14 5. 4Data Description14 6Discussion16 6. 1Consumer perception and culture18 7. Conclusion19 8. Recommendations19 References20 Appendix25 1. Introduction ‘People are pawns in the hands of giant companies with huge advertising budgets and global reach.Brands bring something that people think is better than what they feel’ . – (The Economist, 2004) The study aims to understand the consumer perception towards local and foreign brands in the Pakistani market not only in fast moving consumer goods segment but also in other industries as retailing, clothing . Through consumer perception of price quality and value are considered pivotal determinants of shopping behavior and product choice (Bishop 1984; Doyle 1984; Jacoby and Olson 1985, Sawyer and Dickson, 1984) ( Valarie A. Zeithaml, 1988).Pakistani market is taken into study because of increased globalness many international companies are now entering into the market on the strength of rising affluence level of the young Pakistani population along with the heightened awareness of foreign brands, international shopping experiences the demand for foreign products are increasing in Pakistan The increased global competition among foreign firms operating in different parts of the world are not only offering products but also offering increased standard for living and improved lifestyle of consumers around the world.So now the markets need to understand the consumer perceptions and evaluations of foreign products more than ever before (Simriti Bajaj, 2007). We are also interested in underst anding and considering the factors that affect the consumer evaluation and perception of foreign products against local products Consumers when come in a market are faced with a choice between local and foreign brands how they make this choice is obviously worth researching Studies already show that the consumer perception towards brand quality and acceptability is perceived directly from where the brand is from.This shows that brand country of origin play an important role in determining the quality of brand which influences their attitude and purchase intentions. In developing country like Pakistan brand origin (that the brand is from which country) affects the perception of consumers for foreign products (Kaynak et al. , 1999) and this foreign product can be more favorable if the brand is from the western or developed country.Consumers evaluate products more positively which are particularly from the USA, Japan, Germany, Italy, the UK and France (Bhuian, 1997) brands are well rec ognized by consumers around the world, and are perceived as to representing a high status and quality we believe that this effect consumer assessment of brand quality rating (Lee,M,Y. , Knight,D. , Kim,Y,K. , 2008) Looking at how consumers perceive local brands. The study revealed that local brands benefit from a better value.As it is mention by Simriti Bajaj (2007) that Value is linked with the fact that prices of local brands are usually lower than those of international brands, providing consumers as sense of better value for money. As tell by (Sankar,S,M. , 2006) Local brands are perceived as more â€Å"down to earth† than an international brand, Research shows that perceived brand globalness for global brands could create consumer perceptions of brand superiority (Shocker et al. , 1994)(Sankar, S. M. , 2006) Consumers prefer global brands because they usually offer more quality and better guarantees than other products.Consumers look to global brands as symbols of cultur al ideas â€Å"Local brands show them what they are while global brands show them what they want to be† Shocker et al. , (1994) cited by Sankar, S. M. , (2006) Consequently when companies are doing marketing of brands across cultures firms make strategies that assert a standardized brand through the use of advertising, symbols and other imagery Marketers seek to develop brand that is rational for all the consumers in the world. ( Foscht,T. , Maloles III,C. , Swoboda,B. Morschett,D. , and Sinha,I. , 2008) Culture play an important role in determining the Brands personality it is perceived differently by consumer either in culturally-homogeneous or heterogeneous markets the culture meaning which could be assigned to the brand is influenced by culture differences in diverse communities. In the paper of â€Å"Brand culture and consumption: Chinese consumers and foreign brands† Chen Li a professor of management science in France university d’Aix tells that Chinese ha ve accepted foreign brands happily.Culture values are thought of determining the attitude and behaviors of consumers (Kamakura and Novak, 1992) With the increase trend of globalization, Consumers in Pakistan are now becoming more informed, demanding and sophisticated consumers attitude is changing at rapid pace. consumers are becoming aware of westernized products and they feel that buying and having a foreign product make them feel proud between their families and friends and it give them prestige and status(Kaynak. E, Kara. A, 2000).This shows that products today have now become more symbolic attribute for people. The study therefore focus on the reason that why consumers in the market particularly Pakistan prefer foreign brands over local brands and how culture play a role in molding the perception of consumers in making brand choice for the deep understanding interviews have been conducted with consumers that helps as a qualitative tool for the research to know the attitude and thinking of consumers towards local brand and foreign brands.This study is restricted to upper and middle class. 1. 1. Problem Statement The research evaluates the impact of local and foreign brands on consumer perception and the moderating effect of culture on consumer perception 1. 2. Objectives of the studyThe main objective of the study is to evaluate consumer perception of local and foreign brands in the Pakistani market other objectives are as follows: 1- To analyze the effect of consumer perception for foreign brands and that why people prefer foreign brands over local brands 2- To determine the increase influence of modernization and westernization (impact of culture) affects the consumer perception of brand choice 3- To identify the effect that culture plays a moderating role when consumers make a brand choice between local and foreign brands. . 3. Significance of the research The research is important for the marketers and the companies who want to enter into Pakistan as i t will help them understand the changing perception of Pakistani consumers towards brand choice. While marketing across culture many firms make marketing strategies that emphasized a standardized brand through advertising, symbols and imagery the study help to understand the role of culture differences and acceptance of Pakistani consumers.It tells us how culture plays an important role to understand the perception of consumers, as nowadays there is a trend of westernization and people are blending west with our eastern culture. They are using global brands as to get ideas of other cultures, and they adapt them to make themselves the global consumers. Therefore, this research will be of great help to the managers and companies, as they will get to know the acceptance level of their brand by consumers. In addition, studies aim to add to the knowledge about consumer behavior and their perception of foreign vs. ocal brand in a developing market like Pakistan A firm serving foreign bran ds must understand how consumers in different cultures evaluate the brand. Hence this understanding of consumer choice behavior will benefit both foreign companies and local companies. 1. 4. Scope of the research The scope of the research was to study the perceptional changes of consumer towards brand choice from the twin cities Rawalpindi and Islamabad (The capital of Pakistan). As being a student and resident of Islamabad the study is being done on small scale to get the overall idea about the topic.The samples which seem appropriate for this particular study are consumers from Pakistan 1. 5. Limitation of research The limitations of the study are that the finding is mostly done between students and faculty of different private sector universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Which limit the generalizability of the finding as student represents only a subset of consumers. Future research will be conducted with a sample more representative of the entire consumers. The study selecte d only two foreign brands Levis and Polo. 2.Literature Review 2. 1 Local and Foreign Brands A brand is a â€Å"Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers (Aaker,1996) brand is an image that act as a pathway for image value and differential point (Cretu ; Brodie, 2007; del Rio, Vazquez ; Iglesias, 2001). One of the most cited definition of local brand was formulated by Wolfe (1991; 50) â€Å"A local brand can be defined as a brand that exists in one country or in a limited geographical area† .Where a foreign brand is defined as â€Å"a brand that is marketed under the same name in multiple countries with similar and centrally located coordinated marketing strategies†. Levitt (1983). Competition has now become much complicated for brands as the number of brands originating from the foreign countries are increasing many foreign brands are now competing with domestic brands in all g lobal markets and that foreign brands image is more related from brand country of origin and country image. Kim,C,K. , and Chung,J,Y. (1997) Foreign brands are perceived to be more reliable and safe in terms of quality, technology, status and esteem then local brands . Positive brand image is found in accordance to country of origin perception. Country of origin image influence the brand preference for the consumer so according to (Kinra,N. , 2005) country of origin is considered to be an important factor that differentiate the consumer attitude towards local and foreign brands. In the study of (Marin and Gonzalez, 2008) People preferred foreign brands over local brands because of differentiation and enhanced quality and that’s hy most of the consumers show loyalty towards global brands as far as local brands consumers perceives them in terms of popularity as they are from their own country so people mostly know about them means they are having high awareness level and they v alue to it in terms of fare prices The increase trend of Globalization has forced the companies to take their brands global and invest in them for the companies long term success(Arturo Bris, Willem Smit, and Michael Sorell, 2010) In some cases, preference for local brands may signify defiance against the forces of globalization (Russell and Russell, 2006).Today’s in this inter connected world markets with its consumers all over the world the global brand creates consumer perception of brand superiority (Shocker, et al, 1994; Kapferer, 1997; Keller, 1994; Ozsomer and Altaras, 2008); and it has been seen that foreign brands have more prestige and status enhancement which make people more likely to prefer foreign brands in their purchase decision (Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden, 2003).The main difference for brand are based on the things which differentiate them from others , something unique, something good it was found by Keller (2003) that brands like FedEx and McDonald form an d create their attractive image in mind of consumers by speed reliability, quality food ,and comfort like characteristics (Harun. A et al. ,2010) consumer purchase intention for local and foreign brand is influence by brand specific variables quality emotional value e. g a sense of happiness and pleasure and need for uniqueness (Kumar. A et al. 2008) On the basis of literature of local and foreign brands it has been proposed 2. 2 Consumer Perception Perception is the process through which consumer attach meaning to the world around us our world consist of the people experiences and objects that influence us (Brignall. M, 1999-2012)Consumer perception is based on demographic variables which also may have an impact on brand preferences (Dogerlioglu-Demir. K , Tansuhaj. P,2011) consumer perception for different brands depend upon the amount of information consumer have with them about it (Vithala R.Rao, 1972) consumer perception , values and behavior towards foreign brands when buying the luxury fashion products is to buy a brand which enhance their status (Jap. W,2010) â€Å"In a nation that has long tradition of valuing ‘face, ‘consumers take luxury products as a symbol of their high social status. † Stated by Simons (2006) status consumption and incorruptibility are strong influencers of purchase intention (Phau. I, Teah. M, 2009). Consumer perception towards brand purchase intention is influenced by perceived quality, perceived risk, perceived value, prestige and involvement of consumer in a brand ( Hanzaee.K. H, Taghipourian. M. J, 2012) consumer perceive quality of a brand from its intrinsic e. g. Performance, Durability and extrinsic cues e. g Brand name and service now consumer perception towards any brand is formed that how effectively a brand satisfy its quality and overall superiority with respect to its consumption experience (Kirmani and Baumgartner 2000). Consumer preference towards foreign products are seen due to the good qualit y , prestige and perceived value perception for foreign brands consumers think that possessing a foreign brand influence the other people perception about them (Ergin. E.A, Akbay. H. O, 2010). So it is well supported in the literature that consumer perceptions are based on variables such as quality, explicit information, social status, prestige like variables consumer prefer to buy a brand that give them feeling of the ambience that creates enjoyment for consumers which is taken as a critical aspect of consumers’ consumption experience and in turn consumers perceive a brand in agreeable with them (Babin et al. , 1994). Brands that prove and indicate reliability and integrity ensure consumer trust in a brand and they create perception of loyalty for the brand ( Ok. C et al. 2011) perceived value is also a key strategic variable that helps explain repeat purchase behavior and brand loyalty (Parasuraman and Grewal 2000 ; Wong. A ;Zhou. L, 2005). 2. 3 Role of Culture What is cult ure? When looking in a national context it’s a way of life – a natural inherited way of life – that includes religion, spirituality, language, moral and social norms, family values, eating habits, and so on. (Tandon. S, 2004). Researchers in consumer behavior are very much aware of the necessity to understand culture so that necessities and behavior of consumers can be very well understood (Graham.R. J, 1981) there is an impact of culture in consumer evaluation(Mattila. A. S,1999) with the increased trend of globalization, cultures trade with each other expand opportunities available to all, Critics of globalization say that even if the increased trade has promote the material success and fortune it comes with high spiritual and cultural cost (Cowen. T, 2003)globalization presents a fundamental challenge to companies around the world (Iversen and Hem 2011; Nijssen and Douglas 2011).Culture, it has well been established in the literature that brands carry and com municate cultural meanings (Aaker, 1997; Aaker et al. , 2001; Escalas and Bettman, 2005). Three levels of Culture identity: individual, relational, and collective are suggested by Brewer and Gardner relational and collective self-identities most closely relate to social identities such as global and national identity. While individual self-identity has more personalized associations (Brewer and Gardner, 1996) (Westjohn. S. A et al. , 2011).In different cultures there are set of shared consumption related symbols, product categories, brands which are known as global consumer cultures and those which are not known to be as local consumer cultures associating a brand with global consumer culture flows brand equity (Dana L. Alden et al. , 1999)in order to analyze a global consumer behavior an analysis of life style and cross cultural analysis of consumer lifestyle and traditional areas of consumer decision making should be focus Hassan. S. S, Kaynak. E,(1994).Ethnocentrism is a concept which was introduced by (Sumner, 1906) (Evanschitzky. H, et al. , and 2008) it represents the universal tendency of people to view their own group as a centre of the universe they look at other social units from their group perspective. And they reject the person who is culturally dissimilar and accept the one without thinking that are culturally like themselves (Evanschitzky. H, et al. , 2008) in order to build a brand across market cultural differences across markets and communities should be analyzed (Moore. J,1993) 2. Link between Local and Foreign brands, Consumer Perception, Culture. While global brands may be perceived as status enhancing tools and vehicles for expressing a desire to be part of the global consumer community, local brands may suggest low status (Batra et al. , 2000) and even closed-mindedness (Steenkamp et al. , 2003). In some cases, preference for local brands may imply resistance against the forces of globalization (Russell and Russell, 2006). Marketers are increasingly applying marketing positioning strategies to appeal to either global or local consumer cultures.In order to measure CE related to foreign- vs non-foreign-made products, (Shimp and Sharma, 1987) introduced a 17-item measurement instrument, the consumer ethnocentrism scale (CETSCALE) which we use to identify the culture dimensions and their behavior for acceptance and non acceptance of foreign products. Consumer perception or purchase behavior towards domestic and foreign product can be explained by many demographical variables and cross-culture study between two countries (Evanschitzky. H, et al. 2008) Culture orientation influences the local versus foreign origin and effect the consumer evaluation of products either favorable or unfavorable ( Gurhan-Canli. Z , Maheswaran. D, 2000, cited by Lee. W. J et al. , 2012) Due to traditionalism in consumer perception consumers are more loyal towards local products than foreign products (Rojsek. I, 2001) in order to standardized the foreign product in different diverse societies managers must understand the adaptation and competitive advantage and for local brand strategies strength and weaknesses which they can obtain through culture knowledge which can device competitive response. Gelder. S. V,2002) On the basis of above literature we proposed that: H1: The impact of foreign brands on local has positive effect on consumer perception H2: Culture has positive effect on consumer perception H3: Culture has a moderating effect on brand choice and consumer perception 3. Theoretical Framework and antecedents of variables Independent Variable Dependent Variable Consumer perception * Explicit information * Social status * Brand Prestige * Brand Value * Brand loyalty * Durability * Price Brand choice * Brand image * Country of origin * Brand awareness Brand quality * Purchase intention * Emotional Value(happiness) * Materialism Culture * Globalization * Collectivism/Individualism * Symbolic Value * Traditionalism * Competition * Ethnocentrism Moderating Variable Figure-1, Theoretical Framework and identified antecedents of the variables 4. Hypothesis H1: The impact of foreign brands on local has positive effect on consumer perception In our first hypothesis we hypothesized that the consumer perception towards foreign brands is more positive than local brands and that they give a preference to foreign brands when they are making a brand choice.A semi-structured questionnaire has been developed to test the validity of the hypothesis. H2: Culture has positive effect on consumer perception Our second hypothesis was build on a perception that culture influence the perception of consumers and that factors like traditionalism, individualism, collectivism, Ethnocentrism like variables play a role in changing and making the perceptions of particular consumers in different part of the world because people living in different geographical areas and has different taste and preferences they have their own symbolic cultural values which come in way.H3: Culture has a moderating effect on brand choice and consumer perception Lastly in our third hypothesis we hypothesized that when consumers make a choice between local and foreign brands their perception is influenced by the cultural values and affect their choice and decisions which they take 5. Data Analysis In order to test our hypothesis and the basic assumptions which we have made for this topic we are going to test this study based on some tests through which we are going to analyze the basic relationship between the chosen variables.To test the validity of our research our testing process will include Bivariate Correlation and Linear Regression Analysis. In Bivariate Correlation we are going to determine that if two variables are linearly related to each other. In Linear Regression Analysis we will see the relationship between our independent variable local and foreign brands and dependant variable consumer perception. Through li near regression the researchers have tried to predict the value of consumer perception based on the value of local and foreign brand choice.Before using the test of linear regression we have make some assumptions that the chosen variables are measured at the interval or continuous level, our variables are approximately normal distributed and that there is a linear relationship between the two variables. We have used different techniques to gather the specified data. We have observed the already done research on this issue for this purpose a thorough analysis of the research papers has been done.A semi-structured questionnaire has been developed related to consumer perception towards local and foreign brands and then interview method and questionnaires were distributed among the sample to get the responses for the topic. 5. 1 Population Our study group consist of the random sample of both men and women which is the representatives of entire population of twin city Islamabad and Rawal pindi (Pakistan) and from students and faculty members of different private universities located in the city, friends and family members were also been approached as this research has been done to get the idea of verall research and to understand and analyze the problem of the research. The research was mandatory as the subject requirement so that we can survey and analyze consumer responses and study their perception changing factors. 5. 2 Sample size Pakistan is a developing country and it has an emerging market. A total of 10 respondents were interviewed face-to-face. Using a semi structured questionnaire and a sample size of 200 respondent data has been collected using a questionnaire and has been analyzed in the twin city of Pakistan. And students and faculty members were studied mostly.Over the last six months considerable amount of effort has been devoted to constructing reliable and valid indicators. 200 respondents were asked to fill a questionnaire which was semi-structure d. 5. 3 Sampling Method If a researcher wants to choose an appropriate data collection approach they must prepare in advance a sampling method. There are many types of sampling method which are divided into probability and non-probability sampling. Due to availability and accessibility of the sampling frame for our research we have chosen a non-probability convenient sampling.Non probability sampling is a sampling method in which researchers can sample the group at random. This means that they can choose the sample that is available or easily approachable. Convenient sampling is a part of a non-probability sampling in it researcher have a sample which is most easily available to them and are geographically very convenient to them. Sampling method is done so that the research gets the result which is the representative of entire population. The research is done for high and middle class in Pakistan to get the idea of the perceptions for the brands from the consumers.And to check the perception and symbolic value which is been given to the brands in term of materialism and social-status price, quality in Pakistan among these two classes. 5. 4 Data Description Table: 1 Correlation Descriptive Statistics| | Mean| Std. Deviation| N| Perception| 1. 98| . 530| 200| Brand| 2. 33| . 428| 200| Culture| 2. 27| . 441| 200| Correlations| | | Perception| Brand| Culture| Perception| Pearson Correlation| 1| | . | | Sig. (2-tailed)| | | . | | N| 200| | | Brand| Pearson Correlation| . 430**| 1| **| | Sig. (2-tailed)| . 00| | | | N| 200| 200| | Culture| Pearson Correlation| . 539**| . 402**| 1| | Sig. (2-tailed)| . 000| . 000| | | N| 200| 200| 200| **. Correlation is significant at the 0. 01 level (2-tailed). | | Table:2 Linear Regression Analysis Model Summary| Model| R| R Square| Adjusted R Square| Std. Error of the Estimate| 1| . 587a| . 345| . 338| . 431| a. Predictors: (Constant), Culture, Brand| | ANOVAb| Model| Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | 1| Regression| 19. 258| 2| 9. 629| 51. 790| . 000a| | Residual| 36. 627| 197| . 186| | | Total| 55. 885| 199| | | | a. Predictors: (Constant), Culture, Brand| | | | b. Dependent Variable: Perception| | | | Coefficientsa| Model| Unstandardized Coefficients| Standardized Coefficients| T| Sig. | | B| Std. Error| Beta| | | 1| (Constant)| . 053| . 196| | . 272| . 786| | Brand| . 316| . 078| . 255| 4. 043| . 000| | Culture| . 525| . 076| . 436| 6. 926| . 000| a. Dependent Variable: Perception| | | | In the first table which is representing the correlation analysis which determines the linear relationship between two variables.The value of our variables is Positive Significant, because of probability value is . 000 and correlation value is greater than 0. 1. We analyzed the value of the variables and there significant relation with each other. The results shows the value of variables as r1=. 430, r2=. 539, r3=. 402 which show significant relationship among three variables as the correlation is significant t he value of our beta is . 255 or. 436 it’s what regression co-efficient would be if the model were fitted to standardized data. Correlation is significant at 0. 1 level, two tailed test results give the value of correlation of . 430 between the independent variable local and foreign brands and dependant variable perception. That shows a strongly positive relationship among the two variables. r2=. 539 is the correlation value between the moderating variables culture and dependant variable perception the value show a more positive relationship between these two variables. The dependant variable consumer perception has more strong relation with the moderating variable culture.Which means that consumer perception has more effect of culture implications, r3=. 403 is the correlation value between the independent variable brand choice (local and foreign) and the moderating variable culture this show a slightly less strong relation among the two as compared to r2. In table: 2 linear regression analysis our result give us the value of R2=. 345 which is a low value that means that model fits the data better our value for the data measured is 34. 5 %. It means that 35 percent of the consumer’s perception for local brands is positive and rest 65. % people prefer to buy foreign brands. F-Statistic determines the overall goodness of the test and strength of the test. The data is collected efficiently if its value is greater than equal to 10. If the probability of a F Statistic is . 000 than the data is reliable and significant. The Value of our Data is 51. 790 and significant with . 000 probability level it means that the data is collected efficiently and data is reliable. 5 Discussion The results drawn above show significant relationship among variables related to consumer perception about the local and foreign brands.It has been seen that Consumer has positive perception towards foreign brands in Pakistan. Consumer give preference to the products made from U S, Japan, France based on the specialty of that particular country. Perception toward a foreign brands are considered superior because of its better quality and perceived globalness its been notice that perception of people for quality towards a local brand is low one of the respondents during an interview for the research tells that as there is already so much corruption in Pakistan.People are so much unsure about the products which are been labeled as made in Pakistan because most of the times the product quality is really low and is never guaranteed. Consumers are more satisfied when they purchase a foreign country product because it give them a sense of happiness. Consumers are ready and willing to pay for a brand who gives them an identity, a sense of trust and that is well recognized among their family and friends. Foreign brands are noticed and appreciated among consumers it make their social status and they feel proud to wear a foreign based brand.In the research of Merino. M (2008) based on Latin America tells that foreign brands are considered to be in a distinct position and that consumers prefer foreign brands over local brands because they are perceived to be more value added for the consumers. While on the other side consumer perception towards a local product is that they are of low price then foreign products and one can easily afford them but don’t value and their purchase intention is low for local products. Existing literature support the view that consumers have different views and distinct preferences for local and foreign brands.As Pakistan is a developing country their preference and perception is really positive towards the brands and products which are foreign made. Uncles,M. , Saurazas,J. , 2000 also explain this fact in their research that consumers who are from developed countries prefer to buy local products means their own country products while the perception of consumers from developing countries prefer to buy foreign pro ducts. They are of the view that the quality of developed country products is most reliable. Consumers were ostly of the view that people buy foreign products as a symbol of materialism there were multiple views about this concept but mostly agree with the fact that consumer do buy foreign products so that they can show to others that they are global consumers and that they are much better than those who did not wear or possess foreign brands with them. They judge a success of a person by the quantity of foreign based brands he/she wear. For these materialistic people value of possession of something means to reflect a social status.Sometimes foreign brands are given preference just because of their attractive outlooks and brand image consumers buy them even if they are not satisfied paying a huge amount of money on it but it somehow enhance their social status in the society and they feel proud when people appreciate them and recognize them with their brands name but even because o f the fact that foreign brands are better in performance, reliability, durability aesthetics and quality. It has seen in a result that many people response were that they regret after buying a foreign brand because of the high prices.But just because they are good in quality and sometimes because of the reference group pressure they buy it. Increased globalization has made the consumers more aware of the brands and people purchase foreign based sometimes because of the explicit information that they receive about it. Hence based on the above discussion our H1 is confirmed 6. 5 Consumer perception and culture West has already impacted a lot in our society which can be clearly seen and observed. Even in clothing people prefer to blend a western touch in their eastern.Many brands like â€Å"Crossroads†, â€Å"Stoneage† are the Pakistani clothing brands which give the blend of west and east clothes on the observation and results of the study it has been well analyzed that foreign brands are and will be widely accepted if introduced in Pakistan even the culture of Pakistan is traditionalist people are very much accepted towards the western society because they are so much impressed with the lifestyle and practices of the west that they want to adopt them in their consumption pattern . Local brands signify their traditions and values but foreign brands give them value and make them feel to be part of a global culture.Now people in Pakistan think that if they don’t know about the particular popular foreign brands they will be considered as backward and not socially compatible with other consumers all over the world they think that different cultures have now many same norms and values there are no significant differences among the societies and they considered them the part of their own culture now. There are very few consumers who have firm beliefs and values still inside them and have ethnocentrism which makes them considered their own culture very important and they don’t like and accept the people and brands which are not the part of their culture.Even for the marketers and companies who want to introduced their brands either local or foreign it is also very much important for them to consider the culture an important factor because without the significant knowledge of the consumers background, attitude, traditions, norms, values, and various other variables like either the culture of a country has collectivism or individualism approach, its going to help them to understand the attitude and behavior and purchace intention of consumers of that particular country how people are going to perceive the brand and how the brand image will be considered according to their culture the research done by Usunier.J, (2000) his findings also tell that culture implications influence the consumer behavior which affects consumption and therefore affecting brand image. It simply exhibits that Consumer perception is influenced by t he moderating role of culture when they are making brand choice between local and foreign brands. 7. Conclusion The research was aimed at understanding of the antecedents on which consumer perception is based and the impact of culture in consumer perception our findings indicate that consumer buy foreign brands because it is well recognized in a society and it give them a sense of having a very high quality product, half of consumers response was that it is also for prestige and status enhancement while mostly did not think it has any effect on buying of foreign products.Pakistani Youth was found to be having favorable perception about foreign brands while the adult consumers still found their own traditions and values and local brands better. 8. Recommendations Looking at the conclusions and the results of the research we hereby have suggest some recommendations for the Marketers and Companies who want to enter Pakistan and how they can advertise their brands so that it will fit wi th the perception of consumers and they accept it and make it a part of their culture, and even for the local brands companies who are already establish and working in Pakistan 1. Companies who want to enter Pakistan should do a though analysis of consumer perception towards that particular product which they are trying to launch whether its fast moving consumer good, clothes or any other.It will help them to get the overall idea about what people are thinking about it. 2. In order to build a brand image Marketers must see the culture factors which are most influencing and effecting the consumer behavior towards the purchase intention Batra, R. ,(2000) 3. Consumer level of ethnocentrism should be taken into consideration. 4. Local brand companies should try to improve the quality of the brands along with the low price in order to overcome the competition which is been given from foreign brands. 5. There is a huge scope for the foreign based companies to enter in the market of Pakist an because of the positive acceptability and perception of foreign brands been found in our research 6.Investors should focus on specified industry to whom they are going to target whether upper or middle class as the upper and middle class have different consumption patterns and they never shop from same shop and they have different income structures as its also been recommended in the research of Bajaj,S. ,(2008) 7. Marketers should focus on making such advertisements that match with local traditions and create emotional value for the consumers. So emotional value towards foreign brands should also be increased 8. 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Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 2. Local brands are given preference because of low price? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 3. Foreign brands are much better in quality then local brands? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 4. You buy a foreign brand because of its brand image? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e.Strongly disagree 5. People purchase foreign brands as a symbol of materialism? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 6. People prefer to buy a brand whose outlooks are attractive? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 7. Buying or wearing foreign brands show a social status of a person? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 8. Foreign brands are more durable and l ong lasting then local? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree . West has impacted a lot in clothing of our society? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 10. Sometimes you buy a brand because of the information you receive from others about it? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 11. US brands are well recognized by consumers around the world. a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 12. Do religious norms stop you from buying foreign products? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 13.Do local brands signify your culture and traditions? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 14. In Pakistan people trust perception for local brands in terms of quality is low? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 15. Due to increase globalization different cultures have many same norms and values? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 16. Do you ever feel regret after buying foreign brands? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

Monday, July 29, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

Psychology - Essay Example his keen observation passed prophetic statements of the currents of destruction that flowed through the veins of human civilization and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power based on the democratic majority. From my point of view, I feel, that though Freud had made a keen and clear observation by comparing both the â€Å"civilized† and the â€Å"savage† points of view to bring out the salient meaning of what civilization is all about, yet to me the writing seemed to be pessimistic in nature which in turn reflected the widespread and devastating experiences suffered during World War 1. In his work â€Å"Civilization and its Discontents† Freud makes a pertinent attempt to correlate his theories based on human civilization. Being an avowed atheist himself, to him religion was nothing more than a â€Å"collective neurosis† (The Future of an Illusion, Freud, 1927) In his work â€Å"Civilization and its Discontents† he tries his best to tone down and refine his analysis drawn between religion and psychoanalysis and also between an individual and civilization. Here I feel that Freud is somewhat biased with regard to religion because he is an atheist who does not consider God as a superior being. Where religion is concerned I am against Freud’s theory because to me and most other people God is an omnipotent figure and is omnipresent watching over us humans on Earth. In trying to make an understanding of the phenomenon of spirituality, Freud states that it is "a purely subjective fact, not an article of faith." Further proving his atheist attitude towards religion, he states that humans look for paternal affection during childhood and this manifests itself in the adult stages as â€Å"fear of the superior power of Fate." In his views on the relationship shared between civilization and human misery, he says that civilization is what is responsible for all our misery, because we get ourselves organized into a civilized society in order to escape misery and suffering. I personally do

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Life in Prison Walls Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life in Prison Walls - Term Paper Example In order to understand the harsh life of a prisoner one only has to visit the â€Å"tent city† prison in Arizona, run by the sheriff Joe Arapaio. This is one of the harshest prisons in the United States, where 2000 prisoners are held in a permanent canvas compound with a high fence in 130 degree C temperature. All the prison inmates, be they men, women or children are made to clean the city streets, bound in chain gangs and the inadequate meals they get, costs less than 10p per head. Arapaio’s reasons for making the prisoners work in the city are to put them up as potential deterrents for the population. Ideally the goal of a prison sentence is to make the prisoner pay off his debts to society, which he owes it, due to his unruly behavior, and make him fit to enter society once again. But, like all ideals, this too is far removed from reality. Behind the prison walls, there is a systematic psychological attack on the mind of the punished, whereas they in fact are a â€Å"group†¦in need of help.†(Pager) Lawrence Bobo, goes so far as to say that the prison represents a normalization of a â€Å"remarkable set of social conditions.† Life in the confines of a prison robs a person of his self-worth and leaves him vulnerable to attacks on his already dulled psyche. Erwin James, who served 20 years in a prison in the United Kingdom says that the humiliation suffered during trail is enough to make a person feel guilty for life and the further humiliation suffered in prison is wholly unnecessary. Most people feel that our prison systems are not helping much in stopping the escalating crime wave in our countries because something is radically wrong with the system. To serious criminals, the punishment meted out to them would be quite trivial, whereas for the other criminals it would be a nightmarish experience. Small crimes could get off with a fine, but bigger crimes are

Internship Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Internship - Personal Statement Example The Matteson Police Department is in the Village of Matteson which is located 28 miles southwest of Chicago's downtown and has a population of 16, 579. The department's reason for existence is emphasized in its mission statement as "to respond to a multitude of situations that require a person with unique authority to assist in reducing or resolving problems associated with law enforcement and public order maintenance." With this commitment, the Matteson Police Department carries out its day to day activities through its Chief of Police, 41 sworn officers, and ten full time civilian employees. The agency is headed by Chief of Police Norm Burnson and is organized into departments according to their respective responsibilities. With the establishment of a single goal, the police department is unified in acting to the best benefit of the Matteson Village. The organizational structure is highly centralized with most of the power emanating from the superior to the lower level officers. The chain of command is highly established and power distance is relatively high. The respect between officers and other employees becomes very visible through all their dealings and interaction with each other. I have also noted that the chain of command is more pronounced especially in situations where decision making is very important. Operating in a relatively small village, the staffs in the Matteson Police Department are very much familiar with the citizens in the area. On many occasions, the officers extend their friendship, greet the people that they know, and even call some by their first names. In other cases, I have witnessed how the staff shows their authority especially in the enforcement of different regulations. The Matteson Police Department has showed me the difficult task of striking a balance between being firm and authoritative in law enforcement while being friendly and approachable. All in all, the agency bestowed respect to the villagers acknowledging their rights and punishing them for their misconduct. I believe that this level of socialism and professionalism instilled the public with the respect which is due to the officers. However, some of the arrested individuals have been apprehensive and uncooperative during the necessary police processes. As an intern, I am very impressed with the warm welcome from the staff of Matteson Police Department. From the first day of my internship with them to the last, they have been very helpful in letting me acquire the knowledge and experience that I need. Being around professional and highly sociable staff, I have tried my best to deal with the public the same way that they do. Notwithstanding the fact that I am just an intern, I never find it difficult to deal and relate with the villagers because they have also been cooperative with me. My internship at the Matteson Police Department has mostly been on routine patrol. In order to familiarize myself with typical police jobs and responsibilities, I have been given the chance to ride patrols with different officers and in different occasions. I have also observed and learned how emergency calls are

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial Accounting and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Accounting and Report - Essay Example different users of financial statements and their needs, the legal and regulatory influences on financial statements, the implication of the regulations for the users, the role of the accounting and reporting standards and how the information needs of different user groups vary. The first category of people who use financial information is investors. Investors who provide capital to a company are concerned about the levels of risk, and return from their investments. They need financial information to help them decide whether they should buy or sell shares of a particular company. They are also interested in information that enables them to assess the ability of a company to pay cash dividend. The second category of people is employees. Employees need to know whether their employer is financially stable. They use this data to evaluate the employer’s ability to implement a fair remuneration package, provide retirement benefits and be able to offer employment chances (Lasher 2008, pp. 64). Lenders use financial information to access the ability of a company to promptly pay both the principal and interest on loans. Suppliers and other trade creditors are interested in financial information to enable them to determine whether the amount owed to them will be paid without default. Customers are interested in financial information to determine the life span of an enterprise, especially when they have a long-term association with an enterprise such as the presenting solutions to both short and long-term problems. Government and their agencies use the financial information to regulate the activities of an enterprise and to determine tax policies. They also use the information to compute national income. Lastly, the public use financial information to determine the trends and recent development activities of an enterprise to help them assess the possibility of a major economic contribution by an organization (Saudagaran 2009, pp. 51-56). To determine the regulatory

Friday, July 26, 2019

Information on the Indian American community in new york Essay

Information on the Indian American community in new york - Essay Example They had larger households. 4 percent of the Indian population was senior citizens, numbering 7,787. â€Å"Most Indian immigrants in New York City came to the United States in the last 20 years.† â€Å"Indians in the city obtained citizenship faster than foreign-born New Yorkers as a whole.† â€Å"The vast majority of Indian children in the city (86 percent, or 35,688) were enrolled in the New York City public school system, exceeding 79 percent of all New York City children.† Other groups living near with whom the Indian American population has interaction are, Chinese Americans, Koreans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African and Americans and Native Americans. Since New York City is the commercial hub, healthy interactions exist amongst the different ethnicities. Your will find doctors, bankers, engineers amongst Indian Americans. The percentage of Indian Americans that engage in criminal activities is nil. They are also in business, and hotel industry and export and import trade. Some of the Indian Americans occupy top posts in the Democratic Government of America. Globalization has provided new impetus for active interaction between different

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research Proposal on The Rape Shield Law Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On The Rape Shield Law - Research Proposal Example Despite the purported and perceived protection, which the enforced Rape Shield laws serves to give to the complainants, there may be some flaws in the laws itself, which may prejudice the interests of the defendant. The defendant may not be able to present his side of the story in front of the judge or to provide evidentiary support to prove his innocence in case where previous sexual conduct of the victim is not taken into consideration. Thus, false and unjust incarceration of the defendant may happen. The rape shield laws are deficient in some ways and specific amendments have to be brought into the rape shield laws to provide a fair and just decision to the defendant as well as the victim. Though the rape shield laws is an accepted statute, mainly for the purpose that it seeks to protect the victims of rape, yet, acceptance does not eradicate the contention that rape shield laws may have some inherent deficiencies that needs to be taken care of to make it a more acceptable and fai r form of legislation. The present research paper is devoted to explaining the deficiencies that are inherent in the rape shield laws, which may prejudice the legal rights of the defendant and at times even the victim. The basis of the contention is deficient and vague rape shield laws in different states, constitutional criticism of the rape shield law and failure of the laws to fulfill their purpose in exceptional cases where high profile is involved. 2. Vagueness of Rape Shield laws in Different States The rape shield laws in different States are different. There is no uniform set of laws like the Uniform Commercial Code, which may be applicable to all the states. This increases vagueness of the law itself. Each state has its own set of laws enacted with its own set of exceptions, sometimes distinct from that which is enacted in a particular state and sometimes completely different from other states. For instance, as per the Alabama statute any evidence relating to the past sexua l behavior of the complaining witness is admissible with an exception that evidence shall be admissible, when it is found that past sexual behavior directly involved the participation of the accused. On the other hand, though most states have in one way or another bared the admissibility of the past sexual conduct, however, the exceptions to such restriction is sometime less stringent and in some cases more stringent. In comparison to the exceptions to rape shield laws, which is in force in Alabama , the exceptions in Texas, Utah and Vermont are more stringent, as evidence is acceptable where probative value outweighs danger of unfair prejudice .1 This indicates while defendants in certain jurisdictions get better opportunities to prove their innocence while at other jurisdictions do not. 2. Constitutional criticism There are some inherent deficiencies in the rape shield laws despite its acceptance as an enacted law in all the states of US. The critics who seek to criticize the rape shield laws on the reasoning that it somehow violates the constitution propose that the rape shield laws are deficient in providing a fair trial to the defendant, it violates his right to cross-examine the victim or witnesses, it discriminates between sexes, it is an intrusion of the legislature into the judiciary and thus a violation of the doctrine of separation of powers and it is a vague form of law.2 In the forthcoming cases, the questions which arose to prove the constitutional violation of the rape shield laws were repeatedly nullified by the court. In a case, the question arose that whether not allowing the defendant to raise questions about the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Network Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Network Security - Assignment Example Information security entails the adoption of specific measures that are supposed to prevent the unauthorized access, manipulation, use or the denial of access to any data, information, or capabilities that will ensure confidentiality (Douligeris and Serpanos, 2007). All these measures should be implemented to ensure the security of all the resources within the organization. Organizations nowadays have greatly relied on the various network technologies that ensure efficient data communications between different departments, at the same time ensuring that communication channels are secure. The expansion of an organization results into more resources being acquired in terms of new computers, printers, telephones, communication channels, hardwares and software’s and also the adoption of sophisticated network architectures. This results into an increased concern for information security within the organization to ensure that only the authorized personnel access the resources. Quest ion 1. The question describes the main security issues, the principles of public key encryption, and the role of certification authority as follows: Security issues facing the expansion of the organization Expansion of the organization will result into a rise in the demand of various resources. More hardware and software will be acquired, more people will be employed, and the network architecture to be used and various protocols will change to meet the organizational needs. Various security issues will arise; in physical security, all the tangible assets within the organization such as computers (both personal and laptops), network printers, telephones, storage media, people, network cables, and servers will face a security threat. Indeed, each of the organizations assets faces a security threat from within (internal) and from outside the organization (external). Security issues that will arise from within the organization (internal attacks) include access attacks such as eavesdropp ing (listening to a conversation that one is not part of) by fellow employees or through wireless networks, and snooping (looking through information files). Others include interception of transit information, unauthorized access to computers by employees, computer attacks by viruses, worms, Trojans, internal hackers and theft of hardware from within the organization (Maiwald, 2003). External attacks include hackers and cyber terrorists, and malware. The organization needs to address the measures that will be used to ensure security of both information, physical hardware, internal and external attacks are checked. Internal threats from employees are both intentional and accidental, where an employee can eavesdrop on another employee, hence gaining access to some information during conversation. In addition, employees can forge passwords of their colleagues and hence gain access to their computers, use, modify, and transfer information to other unauthorized members outside the organi zation. Moreover, employees may bring external or foreign insecure hardware into the organization, resulting into virus infection and transmission. Lastly, employees could steal portable small size hardwares from the organization. Information and communication within the organization will be affected in one way or another. There might be lots of network traffic caused by attacks on

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Applied Modelling and Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Applied Modelling and Data Analysis - Essay Example The aim of this project is therefore to analyse the behaviour of the share price of a given company by finding the relationship between share price inflation and other key market determinants and variables such as market index and Treasury bill interest rate. This means that share price of the company is the dependent variable for the study, while market index and Treasury bill interest rate are the independent variables for the study. The study is conducted with the approach of performing time series that checks for stationarity by applying the formal unit root tests of Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. To get a better understanding of the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables, the researcher will take a step further to estimate time series dynamics through the use of the GARCH family models. Because shares are traded with their derivatives, there is a common discussion in literature of the impact of the introduction of derivatives on volatility. Th rough the GARCH model, the effect of derivatives on the underlying market will also be determined. In pursuant to the achievement of the aim of the study discussed above, the researcher conducted a research that was based on both theoretical background and empirical evidence. The theoretical background of the research was performed mainly by the use of a brief literature review, which forms the second component of the study’s report. Under the literature review, the findings of major studies on stock price behaviour are critiqued by comparing different schools of thoughts against each other. This makes it possible to give the rationale behind various findings from literature. The third component of the study is the econometric methodology, where the researcher presented a detailed analysis of the methodology adopted for the study. Under this section, the market fraction hypothesis and how it was used to test the stationarity of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Federalism Essay Example for Free

Federalism Essay Due to the immense power of our federal government, people often argue that it is too powerful and should be lessened. Since the 1990’s there has been an effort to shift power from the federal government to the states. States’ rights have been an issue since our country was first founded, and even now we can’t seem to please everyone’s requests at equal power. This country was founded with the attempt to separate the federal government and the state government, known as federalism. The goal of federalism is to divide the power of state and federal governments, protect the rights of the state (through the 10th amendment), prevent tyranny of the majority, and have a government that is close to its people. An example of federalism would be the freeways. They are owned and operated by the states, but the federal government sets down some basic guidelines that all states must follow and also provides funding. Federalism has certain advantages to it such as, state governments have the freedom to adopt policies which may not be followed nationally or by any other state. For example, same-sex marriages are not recognized by the federal government but they are given legal status within the states of Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, etc. This is an advantage because this gives the state some freedom from the national government. If the federal government controlled every little thing that the state governments do then the states would riot out on certain polices that they do not believe in. Another advantage is division of work between the central and the regional government’s leads to optimum utilization of resources. The central government can concentrate more on international affairs and defense of the country while the provincial government can cater to the local needs. If the national government was trying to handle everything states would get pushed to the side as less important. State governments know what the state needs more than the federal government. Also, people that are elected into the state government are able to get to know the people on a more personal level that in the federal government. However, there are also disadvantages to federalism as well. An example would be that federalism does not eliminate poverty. Even in New York, there are poor neighborhoods like Harlem with a majority of black population. The reason for this may be that during policy framing, it is the intellectuals and not the masses who are invited by the local government. These intellectuals may not understand the local needs properly and thus, policies might not yield good results. Sometimes there can be overlapping of work and subsequent confusion regarding who is responsible for what. For example, when hurricane Katrina hit Greater New Orleans, in 2005, there was delay in the rescue work as there was confusion between the state governments and the federal government on who is responsible for which disaster management work. This resulted in the loss of many lives. â€Å"I do believe people should have to work or get an education while receiving benefits. Nobody should get to get a free ride through life! Nobody pays my way through life. I have to work for what I get. That quote is the word of a twenty-two year-old female who holds down a full-time job, pays rent, and taxes. Some, like her, may feel contempt toward welfare recipients who do not work for their benefits. The welfare system is a program for citizens who need assistance, but it should be considered a privilege, not a free ride. Everyone wants-or possesses to want-to end welfare as we know it, even though the welfare system is still thriving. The new program on the market, Workfare, is a reform tactic that will get recipients into the work force and eventually off benefits. Workfare is the obligation to do unpaid work in return for welfare. This obligation is in addition to the general obligation when on welfare to seek paid employment. If a person on social assistance is considered employable then participation is required. If not placed in one of the other programs such as employment support and employment placement, the person will be required to look for work and do community service. Along with what the government is already trying to do there should also be a program that teaches people responsibility. Since the welfare system is so often abused people using the system so know how to manage money, look for employment, etc. How do we expect to get people to stop abusing the system if we don’t make them have to follow the rules? It should be if they don’t go to monthly meetings and participate then they can be kicked off. However, if it is the elderly, or mentally ill (mentally ill as in can’t function alone) then these terms shouldn’t apply. There are always certain terms to which every policy should go by, but if the welfare system continues this way then it is going to kill the country. There is not enough money going into it as there is being taken out of it. Federalism is a major part of our nation. It plays a role in everything we do, and there are certain areas in the system that needs to be addressed such as welfare, abortion, gun control, etc. If these issues are not handled they could get very out of hand. Federalism is a separation of powers which is a good and sometimes bad thing. If federal and state governments could work together life for everyone would just be so much easier.

Impacts of the New Immigration Law in Arizona Essay Example for Free

Impacts of the New Immigration Law in Arizona Essay Maria de Los Angeles is a US immigrant of Hispanic origin and lives with her family in Arizona. When she had the news that the state’s governor had signed the controversial immigration act into law, just like other Hispanic women, she screamed at the top of her voice. Non immigrant colleagues who worked with her just stared not knowing what to do. Outside her little shop, an angry crowd of Hispanic immigrants were conversing in angry tones reacting to the news. They could not believe that in three months time, when the law becomes effective, their lives will change for the worse and thus they should be preparing for tough times ahead. A small boy who was listening to their conversations had difficulties in understanding the impact of the law to their lives. This essay seeks to find out the impact of the new immigration law in Arizona and whether it is racially motivated. It was on April, Friday 23 when the governor of Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer passed an immigration law called Support our Law enforcement and safe neighborhood act (Sharp, 2010) which is considered one of the toughest laws in anti immigration crusade. This law has sparked debates on the issue of illegal immigration and criticisms from every corner including from the president himself. President Obama has termed it as a sign of irresponsibility on the side of the state’s governance and this may apply to all states and thus he calls for reforms to be done on the federal immigration laws as soon as possible in order to avert these kinds of law by states. The signing of the law has also angered the President of Mexico and so many protesters have come out to criticize it. Many have said that the law reminds them of those days when racism was very active in America and thus the law is inviting racism back to their lives (Goodwin, 2010). What is in this law? The law requires every immigrant to have immigration papers and the police are given that power to ask for them every time they are suspicious of someone as an illegal immigrant. This means that, if they suspect anyone, then they have the power to detain him or her. Any immigrant, who will not be having the immigration papers, will be committing a crime and citizens can actually sue an agency which does not enforce the law. In other words, the police can question anybody irrespective of whether they are committing a crime or not. Even those who are going on with their legal businesses will be at the mercies of the police so long us they come under suspicion. The law punishes those who are found to be in the country illegally by sentencing them to jail for six months and 2,500 dollars as a fine. These punitive measures are going against the federal punishment of deportation (Goodwin, 2010). What are the impacts of the law? 30% of the Arizona population is Hispanic and illegal immigrants of Hispanic origin make up 80%of all immigrants and thus this law is seen as targeting them. The law has been criticized because it encourages the police to arrest people based on their looks, leaving out the evidence that they may actually be committing a crime. The governor tried to justify her actions by saying that she tried everything she could on language to avoid enforcement of this law to be based solely on the race, national origin and color of people but critics have revoked the law by saying that it does not lay out the circumstances under which somebody will be detained apart from the mentioned three that is, color, race and national origin (Goodwin, 2010). Most Americans have also raised their voices against it saying that the law itself is un-American. A senate candidate in Florida, Marco Rubio has said that Americans are not comfortable with the requirement of a group of people carrying documents every where they go. Tom Tancredo, a congress man ,even though he is known to be against illegal immigration, has this time come out to say that the law has gone too far. He said he does not wish for people to be pulled over due to their looks (Goodwin, 2010). The governor has come out to try to settle the issue by ordering the law enforcers to receive special training on how to implement the law by signing an executive order. In her efforts to fight crimes related to illegal immigration, she would also see into it that the law is not misused to infringe on rights of others. President Obama was against it even before it was signed saying that it will bring distrust between the people and the police (Goodwin, 2010). The opponents of the law have sworn to punish Arizona by targeting the state’s coffers. San Francisco city has called its residents to bring to an end their business dealings with Arizona and a boycott has also been called of any convention that will take place in Arizona. Some tourists to Arizona cancelled their reservations in protest to the law, swearing that they would not go back there because of the law. It is too early to predict what would happen to the tourism sector in Arizona and economy at large (Archibold, 2010). The law sparked fresh debates on federal immigration law reforms and this made President Obama to call for immediate complete reforms on the law. The Mexican foreign minister was not left behind in speaking his mind. He said that he is worried about the strained relationship between Mexico and Arizona and also about the Hispanic people and their rights. A Cardinal in Los Angeles termed the requirements of the law as Nazism (Archibold, 2010). The bill has been termed as a rebuke to the former governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano who had supported the bill there prior to her appointment in the Obama’s administration. Since it seems this law could lead to nation wide immigration debate, then the Hispanic voters could be politically motivated to benefit the democrats, energizing the conservative voters also (Archibold, 2010). The Union of American Civil Liberties has criticized the law as it is out to target the Latinos but the proponents say that the law is a good step towards settling the lawlessness at the US –Mexican border where the federal law enforcers have failed to do so. Napolitano argues that the law will facilitate siphoning of state’s wealth which is meant to fight the real crimes of the immigrants thus loosing focus (Warren, 2010). The main thing that is being observed is that the law seeks to overshadow the federal law which is the land’s supreme law (Warren, 2010). It seems that the debate will go through talk shows, lines of protests to the floor of the court to know whether states have power to implement laws that for a long time have been the responsibility of the federal government. Activists have vowed to challenge the law and prevent it from taking effect because it has gone overboard by attacking the authority of the federal government of regulating immigration and empowering the police, giving them too much power. When the law takes effect in July it that means anyone who is found in America illegally would be committing a crime. If one looks like a foreigner or sounds like it, then he will be subjected to lots of questioning by the police to confirm their citizenship (CBS interactive Inc, 2010). Some legal migrants will also find themselves in these kinds of treatments despite their citizenship. Some police departments say that the law would make it difficult to solve crimes because the moment you stop people and question them, this would not go down well with the immigrants and some of them will refuse to cooperate in solving crimes (CBS Interactive Inc, 2010). The republicans and the Democrats have found themselves in hot soup after the law was past. This is a very delicate issue which they did not want to deal with before the midterm elections of the congress because it involves a lot of emotions. The politicians are not the only ones who were affected but even students. In the University of Arizona, students started to withdraw in protest to the law and this prompted its president to write a letter to the school since it had lost so many students. The parents of these students had decided to send them to schools in other states and those who wanted admission to the school withdrew their applications (Binckes, 2010). Republicans have a reason to worry because it seems the Latinos will be in favor of democrats (Sharp, 2010). Since Arizona harbors 460,000 illegal immigrants, the law thus criminalizes their presence in the state. Another effect of the law is that day laborers will have a tough time because citizens are forbidden from employing them and anyone who is found to be ferrying illegal immigrants even if it is a member of the family, they will face the law (Goldman, 2010). Some proponents of this law have said that it is a big step in that it encourages other states and local governments to assert themselves when it comes to immigration issues. States have gotten tired of waiting for the federal government to enforce laws on immigration hence, just like other states which have enacted laws to protect their citizens, Arizona had to do it. In other words, the passing of this law is like telling the Americans to stop waiting for the feds to come to their aid when issues get out of hand. The feds were being told that the states and the local governments were not pleased by what they had to offer (Mcneill, 2010). Is the law racially motivated? Texas law maker, Debbie Riddle has disqualified those who call this law a racially motivated one and that they are up to no good for they are out to divert the attention of the citizens for personal selfish gains (Friedman, 2010). Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state thinks otherwise. She says that the law encourages racial profiling and that the state has overstepped its mandate by trying to impose its laws on people. She says that, racism comes in when the police will be questioning people based on their accents (Political News, 2010). Immigrants’ rights project’s director Mr. Lucas Guttentag says that the law will lead to an increased racial discrimination and profiling of anyone who looks like an immigrant. A former attorney general of Arizona Mr. Grant Woods, said that this law would make people be subjected to profiling because of their color but Mr. Kobach, a law professor disagrees with these two by saying that there is no such provision in the law because the police have been told clearly in the law that they should not base their suspicions solely on race. However, the use of the word solely here has been regarded by some lawyers as giving authority to discriminate or do profiling based on race with the condition that the government is not 100% motivated racially (Schwartz Archibold, 2010). Sean Hannity and his fox news colleague Sarah Palin have revoked the claim that the law would lead to racism even though the law allows the police to consider race in their profiling. For Hannity, he says that the law does not encourage profiling but it actually forbids it. Palin on her part says that there is no opportunity in the law for racial profiling and that lame media should be ashamed for terming the law what it is not; this also applies to the Obama administration since they hold the same views. She is also supported by Mr. Kobach on this view. The law forces the police to make contacts with the federal government to check the status of the immigrants whether they are in the country legally or illegally and this actually reduces racial profiling (Media Matters for America, 2010). The law states that when a person is arrested, his status is checked before he is released. The problem that brings these views’ diversities in the law is that there is no agreement on what is meant by racial profiling. Some say it is when one relies on race and others say when one solely relies on race. The former is the broad meaning and the latter is the narrow meaning. The narrow meaning is not accepted by the Union of American civil liberty because it does not include other racial profiling which is still going on in the country (Media Matters for America, 2010). Some argue that, if the law is allowed to be effective, American would be making a very huge mistake that they will regret for a very long time. The draconian law as it is called by some people is a racial profiling sponsored by the government. The Arizona governor is said to contradict herself especially when it comes to the topic on profiling and some have asked the question whether racial profiling should be ruled out when race combined with other factor, are considered to determine suspicion. So, does it mean that racial profiling refers to only those situations when race is the only factor considered in determining a reasonable suspicion? (Bonner, 2010) In conclusion, from the impacts of the law it can be observed that the law will not only affect the illegal immigrants from Mexico but also anyone who is an alien in America including Africans who find themselves in Arizona. The debate is still on, on whether the law is actually racially motivated or not. The Arizona’s governor has made futile attempts to persuade the Americans that the law is actually constitutional but so many people have vowed to challenge the law in court or try to block its implementation. The courts are the ones which will determine whether the law is racially motivated or not. The question that most Americans are still asking themselves is how does an illegal immigrant look like?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Factors that Influence Health and Well-being

Factors that Influence Health and Well-being DOINA BORSAN UNIT 11 LO3 Relevant factors that influence health and wellbeing Organization is an social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systemsthey affect and are affected by their environment. To be able to give a clear definition of health needs assessment, health and needs will be looked at separately to understand the appropriate meaning of these words. Firstly, health is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO, 1948) as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely on the absence of a diseases or infirmity†. With no changes made since 1948, this definition is still well known due to the holistic overview of health and not only the disease. The definition of the word need or needs can be defined in a professional perspective as a necessity within poverty or to lack something. (English Dictionary, 2005) This need can be for any individual and within Maslow’s pyramid it is a motivational theory in psychology that argues that while people aim to meet basic needs, they seek to meet successively higher needs in the form of a hierarchy of importance. In my opinion, good health is a unity of three aspects, the physical, mental, and societal aspects .The physically content ,able to perform everyday tasks without discomfort. The mentally stable the individual must feel adequately fulfilled in life may urge to achieve excellence .The society and environment to be healthy, must live in a surrounding that can accommodate the individual’s pursuit for health in relation to sociological perspectives. Wellness is when is satisfied with health and quality of life with all aspects such as family, friends, income, giving the individual contentedness. Some determinant factors and their benefits, that contribute to a persons current state of health can be: Pollution -The pea-souper smog that is famous for cloaking London right up until the 1960s is one example of the effects of over industrialisation ,cause a number of accidents (the smog severely limited visibility), also had a very negative effect on the respiration of the populace. Access to health and welfare services Communities are not just isolated from health and welfare services by distance, but some are unable to gain access because they feel that they have been let down by health services before, or they do not speak the language that the service is delivered in. For these isolated communities, the health and welfare services may be the only link that they have to help them understand the development issues that the rest of society takes seriously. Family relationships -Not all family relationships are good, aside from the more obvious cases of abuse, there are lots of ways in which members of our family can adversely affect our health. The family member may not even realise that they are having a negative effect on our growth and development. Friendships -Good friends are the ideal support network to stop us from getting so upset about something that we fall into depression. Not only do they cheer us up whenever we see them, but talking to them about our worries also stops us worrying so much .At certain points during our life, though, friendships may break down – taking with them our feelings of stability. Educational experience The amount of education you should have, in theory, allow you to better evaluate the opportunities that arise through life. Poor education can result in serious poverty – one of the main causes of ill health. Employment Everyday, hundreds of people die because they work too hard. Being unhappy in your job can make you drink excessively and working large amounts of overtime means that you may not have enough time to exercise correctly or eat a well-balanced meal. Ethnicity and religion Different cultures and religions have different ways of looking at the world .More extreme religious rituals that affect health, such as female circumcision, are outlawed in the UK. Genetic inheritance the role that genes play in our lives, they can transmit some disorders from one generation to another or make us more susceptible to some illnesses or disabilities. Diet -Not getting the right amount of food, or a decent nutritional balance within that food, may have a negative effect on the growth and development of an individual. Physical exercise People who do different types of physical exercise develop different body types, exercise is important in the health care . Illness and disease individuals do not grow or develop at the same rate as all those around them, everybody develops at a different rate anyway. Family relationships People who come from stable, loving families have a less difficult time developing socially and emotionally. Family relationships can be some of the strongest we will ever have. Friendships You can choose your friends, but you cant choose your family, as they say. Sometimes, chatting with friends is the only thing that keeps you sane, especially after a blazing row with the family. Intimate personal and sexual relationships become the most significant of your life, theres nothing more special than making a real connection with someone. A relationship (or partnership) can significantly shape your personal development. The World Health Organization (WHO) created the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, which uses the three principles to guide its work in eliminating health inequities for local communities and nations and throughout the world: Improve the conditions of daily life—the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and resources—the structural drivers of those conditions of daily life—globally, nationally, and locally. Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the social determinants of health, and raise public awareness about the social determinants of health . In the content of health and wellbeing factors , the education have a significant part in people development. It gives us the opportunity to learn about ourselves, acquire social skills and spreads influential messages about health. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to achieving improvements in peoples lives by reducing health inequities. Health organizations, institutions, and education programs are encouraged to look beyond behavioural factors and address underlying factors related to social determinants of health. References : Hummer RA, Rogers RG, Nam CB, Ellison CG,(1999), Religious involvement and U.S. adult mortality,Demography, 36(2),Pp.273-85. Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH JAMA,(2005), Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity,293(15),Pp.1861-7. Maslow, A. H. ,(1943),A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4),Pp 370-96. Links: