Friday, November 29, 2019
Marketing Mix Essay Example
Marketing Mix Essay Marketing mix is simply a technique used to promote a product or a service, which can consist of many factors such as advertising, pricing, packaging, labelling, branding and boosting the product/service provided. Marketing mix is applied to most, if not all products and services provided by any company in the private sector, with the aim of increasing sales or demands for a specific product/service. Companies use marketing mix techniques to increase sales on certain products. E.g. they may use Premium Pricing on certain products and services. This means that the product or service will have a very high price, however, it will be worth it as the product or service may be unique, luxurious or may have a special designing and etc. Premium pricing is always aimed at higher class people who would be able to afford such products services, and any high street stores would also be located in a posh area. Marks Spencer is a typical example of a company which uses premium pricing, as their products are considerably higher than other average or unpopular brands. However the quality of their products is also higher, and although the prices more expensive the company still manages to make profits. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Mix specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Mix specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Mix specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Penetration Pricing is also another technique which helps companies increase sales. This is when a product or service is new or is not very popular, therefore its price is set really low at the start. However once it has become more popular, the price is set higher so that companies and suppliers can increase profits. This technique is normally aimed at mid-class people who would be looking for cheaper deals, but would however be willing to spend a bit more if necessary. Most retailers e.g. Tesco, Sainsburys, Marks ; Spencer and etc are examples of companies that use penetration pricing, as when they first launch a product or it is not popular enough they use this technique as well as Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF) deals to increase sales. However as soon as these products have gained customers preference, companies set their prices higher in order to increase profits. Economic Pricing is when products and services are set very low to attract customers who would be looking for cheaper deals. These products and services are normally from unpopular brands, however the quality may still be the same as the quality of any other popular brand. Again most retailers such as ASDA, Morrisons, Tesco and etc use this technique, but unlike premium or penetrating priced products, this technique is normally applied on products of their own brand which customers tend to think have a lower quality than other popular brands. Price Skimming is another technique used by companies and suppliers. Prices are normally very high, because these companies and suppliers know they have an advantage over other brands, therefore they know they will still make a profit. However when prices are very high, it may attract many competitors that may claim their quality is just as good and reliable, which can cause price skimming companies to lose customers and lower their products prices. Dolce ; Gabbana, Gucci, Apple, Sony and etc are all examples of companies that use price skimming. All these companies set their products at a very high price, knowing that their customers will still be loyal to them and that they will still be able to make a profit. All these techniques can be represented by the picture below: As well as considering the techniques above, companies and suppliers also take into account the Three Levels of a Product. This is what the product is and what other features may be added to it to make it more valuable, this can be separated into three phases Core Product, Actual Product and Augmented Product. Core Product is what the product really is, and what the main benefit that customers can get out of it is. Every product has its core, no matter how simple or posh it is. Actual Product is an addition feature which can be added to a product in order to increase sales. This can be the colour or quality and etc of a product, most products have this to help boost their sales. Finally comes the last level of a product, Augmented Product. This is the advantages of a product, i.e. why the product is good to use and what jobs and tasks it can do. Additional facilities of a product are also on this level, e.g. delivery, warranties, installation and etc. All these techniques can be seen on the image below: Companies and suppliers must also consider the Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle is simply the life of the product from when it is first developed and introduced to its customers to the stage where it is withdrawn or renewed, with other stages in between. I.e. the development is when a product is designed, targeted at an specific audience and finally manufactured. When a product is first introduced many people are not aware of it, therefore sales are very low and the product is hardly able to cover its costs. Then comes the products growth, which is when the product is advertised and becomes known by some people. After its growth comes the products maturity, which is the prime stage of any product where it is known by majority of people and its popularity amongst customers is huge. However after a period of time the product becomes old and starts to decline, and if the product is too successful other competitors may launch a more advanced product which may outgrow the current on e. And eventually once a product becomes too outdated and advanced by other products it is finally withdrawn. However the same product can still be renewed, i.e. new features, applications and technology can be added to them, as well as targeting a larger audience than the previous product and etc. By doing this companies may boost sales, which can eventually be turned into more profits. Apple is a very common example of a company that has been able to do this through one of its products, i.e. IPod. IPods have been launched many times, with new applications, features, sizes, colours and etc increasing and boosting Apples sales. Products such as mobile phones, cars, computers and most products that may be involved with technology are normally known to have a product life cycle, which can be seen in the picture below: Application of Marketing Mix: For my description of how marketing mix is applied to products of companies in the same sector I chose two mobile companies, O2 and Vodafone. O2 and Vodafone offer a range of products and services to their customers, e.g. pay as you go mobile phones, monthly pay mobile phones, broadband internet and etc. The product I have chosen is a Sony Ericsson C902 Titanium brand new high tech mobile phone, which is available in both companies for sale and for contract at different prices and deals. Vodafone as well as O2 may use marketing mix to increase demands for the phone, and even beat each other in the number of sales and contracts recorded. E.g. on certain stores in the high street both companies advertise the mobile on their glass windows and doors, which say some of the features of the phone, how much they are available for and how long the contract would be. As well as that these stores also put big pictures of the phone on their windows, so that customers may get an idea of how the phone looks like and again to emphasise some of its special features. On their website however only newer phones are displayed on their home page, and to find this mobile you can either type it up on the search bar or look for it through the website. Once you locate the mobile, both websites tell you in details what the phones features and prices are and if it is available for pay go and if it is, how much it costs. Even though both companies do not advertise the mobile as much on their website, they have added special features on their websites which helps customers have an overall view of the mobile phone, which may make them want to get it. E.g. both websites allow you to view the phone in a 3D video which again shows you the main features of the phone, and the websites also allow you to see the overall rating that other customers have given to the mobile phone. In magazines and newspapers where the mobile phone is advertised by either O2 or Vodafone, marketing mix is again used by both companies to increase the demand for the phone and also to be more competitive and attract more customers. In magazines and newspapers both companies not only advertise the main features of the mobile phone but they also claim that by getting a contract with them it will save customers money, hassle and most importantly the customers themselves will be getting more minutes and texts. Legal and Ethical Issues: As to any company in the private sector, there are always drawbacks which can obstruct or completely impede customers from purchasing or using the product or service provided by a company. There are also other factors which may make things more difficult for companies to provide, sell or offer products/services. Examples of some drawbacks in both companies are listed below: Copyright regulations can be a big barrier to both companies, i.e. O2 and Vodafone as well as other competitors are all at risk of having their ideas stolen and copied. There are always numerous debates and arguments between rival companies that blame each other for copying or stealing their ideas, and later on editing them and claiming they are their own work. However if it is proven that any company has copied or stolen another companys ideas and projects, they can be fined and even asked to withdraw their current project, which could lose them many customers as well as causing damage to their reputation. Data Protection Acts are another drawback for both companies, as they must ensure that all details about their customers are kept safe and inaccessible for anyone who cannot be trusted by the companies. They must make sure that they only keep customers details for as long as it is necessary, i.e. if customers decide to cancel their contract, their details should be deleted immediately to avoid any further problems and etc. Both companies must also make it clear to their customers about what information is required from them, why it is required and how these companies will manage and handle their information. Competition is another major issue for these companies, as they must both provide their customers with special deals, promotions and bargains all the time. Competition also causes rival companies to lower their prices as much as they can, which can even minimise their overall profits. Certain adverts may look or sound offensive to a group of people or culture, e.g. adverts which are specifically aimed at men may have some sexist content in them, which may make women stop buying that specific product to their partners, families and etc. This can not only cause people to stop buying that particular product, but it can too damage the companys reputation. Manufacturing products can also be a constraint for certain companies as they may use cheap labour overseas to save them money. Some organisations also make their employees work very long hours, under poor conditions for very little money. If it is proved that a company uses hard labour overseas to manufacture their products, its reputation can be damaged and human right actions can also be taken against them. The Sales of Goods Act is another law imposed to these companies as they must provide their customers with the exact same product/service they advertise, i.e. all promises about that particular product must be kept and no misleading detail about it should be advertised. Again if it is proven that they have given any misleading detail about that particular product, customers can personally take legal actions against that company, which could eventually lose them money and customers loyalty, as well as damage to its reputation. The Trade Description Act is another drawback for O2 and Vodafone, as sometimes they may give misleading or very short descriptions of the service they provide. Although some companies do this people do not normally take legal actions against them, however this can still cause damage to their image as well as loss of customers loyalty. Distance Selling Regulation is another main constraint for companies that provide distant customers with products or services. They must show all details about each product or service available, how and when it is going to be delivered or available for collection, if customers will be entitled to a full refund if they are not happy with the product, and most importantly companies must make sure to all customers how safe their details will be with them. If companies do not provide enough information about them, the product or service and delivery availability, customers may choose to shop somewhere else where they think may be better for them.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The First Reptiles and Their Evolution
The First Reptiles and Their Evolution We all know how the old story goes: Fish evolved into tetrapods, tetrapods evolved into amphibians, and amphibians evolved into reptiles. Its a gross oversimplification, of course- for example, fish, tetrapods, amphibians,à and reptiles all coexisted with each other for tens of millions of years- but itll do for our purposes. And for many fans of prehistoric life, the last link in this chain is the most important, since it was the dinosaurs, pterosaurs and marine reptiles of the Mesozoic Era that all descended from ancestral reptiles. Before we proceed any further, though, we need to define what the word reptile means. As far as biologists are concerned, the single defining characteristic of reptiles is that they lay hard-shelled eggs on dry land (as opposed to amphibians, which are constrained to lay their softer, more permeable eggs in water). Secondarily, compared to amphibians, reptiles have armored or scaly skin (which protects them from dehydration in the open air); larger, more muscular legs; slightly bigger brains; and lung-powered respiration (though no diaphragms, which were a later evolutionary development). Depending on how strictly you define the term, there are two prime candidates for the first-ever reptile. The first is the early Carboniferous (about 350 million years ago) Westlothiana, from Europe, which laid leathery eggs but otherwise had a distinctly amphibian anatomy, especially pertaining to its wrists and skull. The second (and more widely accepted) candidate is Hylonomus, which lived about 35 million years after Westlothiana and resembled the kind of small, skittery lizard you run across all the time in modern pet stores. This is all simple enough, as far as it goes, but once you get past Westlothiana and Hylonomus, the story of reptile evolution gets much more complicated. Three distinct reptilian families appeared during the course of the Carboniferous and Permian periods. Anapsids like Hylonomus had solid skulls, which provided little latitude for the attachment of robust jaw muscles; the skulls of synapsids sported single holes on either side and the skulls of diapsids had two holes on both the left and right sides. These lighter skulls, with their multiple attachment points, proved to be a good template for later evolutionary adaptations. Why is this important? Well, anapsid, synapsid and diapsid reptiles pursued very different paths toward the start of the Mesozoic Era. Today, the only living relatives of the anapsids are turtles and tortoises (though the exact nature of this relationship is hotly disputed by paleontologists). The synapsids spawned one extinct reptilian line, the pelycosaurs (the most famous example of which was Dimetrodon), and another line, the therapsids, evolved into the first mammals of the Triassic period. Finally, the diapsids evolved into the first archosaurs, which then split off into dinosaurs, pterosaurs, crocodiles, and (probably) marine reptiles like plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs. Lifestyles of the First Reptiles But were getting ahead of ourselves; much of this information is discussed inà Before the Dinosaurs - Pelycosaurs, Archosaurs, and Therapsids. What were interested in here is the obscure group of lizard-like reptiles that succeeded Hylonomus and preceded these better-known (and much larger) beasts. Its not that solid evidence is lacking; plenty of obscure reptiles have been discovered in Permian and Carboniferous fossil beds, especially in Europe. Its that most of these reptiles look so similar that it can be an eye-rolling exercise to attempt to distinguish between them. The exact classification of these animals is a matter of continuing debate, but heres our attempt to cut through the froth: Captorhinids, exemplified by Captorhinus and Labidosaurus, are the most basal, or primitive, reptile family yet identified, only recently evolved from amphibian ancestors like Diadectes and Seymouria. As far as paleontologists can tell, these anapsid reptiles went on to spawn both synapsid therapsids and diapsid archosaurs. Procolophonians were plant-eating anapsid reptiles that (as mentioned above) may or may not have been ancestral to modern turtles and tortoises; among the better-known genera are Owenetta and Procolophon. Pareiasaurids were much larger anapsid reptiles that counted among the biggest land animals of the Permian period, the two best-known genera being Pareiasaurus and Scutosaurus. Over the course of their reign, the pareiasaurs evolved elaborate armor, which still didnt prevent them from going extinct 250 million years ago! Millerettids were small, lizardy-looking reptiles that subsisted on insects, and also went extinct at the end of the Permian period. The two most well-known terrestrial milleretids were Eunotosaurus and Milleretta; an ocean-dwelling variant, Mesosaurus, was one of the first reptiles to de-evolve to a marine lifestyle. Finally, no discussion of ancient reptiles would be complete without a shout-out to the flying diapsids, a family of small Triassic reptiles that evolved butterfly-like wings and glided from tree to tree. True one-offs, and well out of the mainstream of diapsid evolution, the likes of Longisquama and Hypuronector must have been a sight to see as they fluttered high overhead. These reptiles were closely related to another obscure diapsid branch, the tiny monkey lizards like Megalancosaurus and Drepanosaurus that also lived high up in trees, but lacked the ability to fly.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Qualitative analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qualitative analysis - Essay Example Through qualitative research, the group will be able to establish the characteristic that stands out among the members of the population hence this may be concluded as the behaviour of the population members. NOTE: The characteristics (qualities) could be behaviour, habits, grades, depending on the qualities the group will base their research on., qualitative research will be of great importance to the general public, like to businessman, they can easily learn the preferences of their customers, to politicians, they can learn the expectations of the general public in terms of leadership and sometimes even managers can learn the attitude of their workers towards them. Through the different groups of people learning about what others think, expect and want ,the general public will be able to benefit by having different leaders, like politicians keeping to the expectations of the general public thus better running of public affairs. Also businessmen will keep to the standards that their customers expect among other benefits. The data to be collected is mainly primary data and the group will mainly collect their data through interviews which will be audiotape thus this interviews could be conducted by visiting the sites of the survey or through radio and also through telephone calls. The group is to study the different... a to be collected is mainly primary data and the group will mainly collect their data through interviews which will be audiotape thus this interviews could be conducted by visiting the sites of the survey or through radio and also through telephone calls. The group is to study the different qualities of the population and they might identify outstanding practices in their study and also learn why the population has to practice certain characteristics in relation to the qualities identified. This research is to be carried out by the focus group in a site of their own choice where they find suitable depending on the qualities they would like to study, in relation to the population of their choice. METHODS OF ANALYSIS Qualitative data can mainly be analyzed by describing data using: i) Numerical methods and ii) Graphical methods. Numerical analysis: The data could be classified into Classes: This is where data in the audiotapes is categorised in relation to the different qualities being studied. (Data is grouped into: Class frequency: The number of observations in the data set falling in a particular class grouped together. Class relative frequency: The class frequency divided by the total number of observations in the data set. Through these descriptions, qualitative data can be analysed in a table such as the one shown below: Behaviour (class) No. of individuals (frequency) Relative frequency (proportion) Kind Rude polite 5 7 10 0.227 0.318 0.455 Totals 22 1.000 Advantages: i. One is able to get an overview of the data clearly in one glance. ii. We can easily determine the number of different individual that full under each quality. iii. The total number of the population of study can be easily determined and also the proportions. iv. They are easy to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What is being done to conserve biodiversity in Madagascar Essay
What is being done to conserve biodiversity in Madagascar - Essay Example This flora in terms of biological diversity is under serious danger in spite of its importance. ââ¬Å"Over 80% of the island has already been stripped of its native vegetation cover; the majority of this area is now very species-poor secondary grassland which is burnt annually and is subject to intense erosion.â⬠(Du Puy & Moat 1998). Madagascar forests have been degraded in such a way that now only less than 10% of its original forest cover is remaining. The intention of this article is to bring awareness on conservation efforts of evergreen forests of the high plateau, littoral forest and western dry deciduous forest. There are few forest recovery programs under conservation efforts in different forest types of Madagascar. These ecosystems urgently require toughened conservation programs due to their fragmented natural world. Forest fragmentation is causing a decrease in genetic diversity and is leading to an extinction path. The evergreen forest of high plateau is one of the high priority areas for plant conservation which is known as severely fragmented remnant forest. Recently, this forest was subjected to timber extraction which resulted in damage to its structure and integrity. Also some fragments of this forest have been significantly burned. In this forest, Madagascarââ¬â¢s most threatened, endangered species Schizolaena tampoketsana is found. Schizolaena tampoketsana, locally known as Sohisaka, belongs to one of the six endemic plant families. The reason behind endangered Sohisaka is selective felling of trees and burning from wild fires which are common in this region annually. Littoral forests are humid, low elevation forests on sand which have been identified as the most threatened vegetation type in Madagascar. It is along the east coast of Madagascar where the forests are highly degraded and fragmented that represents less than 10% of original area. In this forest, Madagascarââ¬â¢s
Monday, November 18, 2019
Analyzing CULTURAL REPRESENTATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analyzing CULTURAL REPRESENTATIONS - Essay Example Such a move depends on the degree to which the African Americans in question have been assimilated (32). The assimilation pushes Africans to formulate a public persona different from their real identities. Bamboozled exposes the historical portrayal of African-Americans in the American cinema. The images at the end of the film are a documentary to the satire therein (Black 20). Understanding the film in a better way calls for putting it in its context before the cinema emerged. Race is a social construction because the stereotypes of blacks reflect the perceptions of American whites (Epp 17). The stereotypes relate to the white dominion over Africans as opposed to the realities of the time. The abolition of slavery never put the stereotypes to an end. There emerged a new form of imperialism replacing the ââ¬Å"noble savageâ⬠with the ââ¬Å"ignoble savageâ⬠(20). Whether savages or children, Africans were in no instance perceived as being on the same level as whites. Despite not being slaves, Africans were still not given statuses similar to the whites. Certain groups such as the Irish and the Jews had to become whites with resultant stereotyping in the 20th century (Laski 1095). These stereotypes were so widespread that the entertainment industry felt it prudent to embrace them. Bamboozled followed this path. Bamboozled has a unique storyline written in a clever way (Ebert 1). Pierre Delacroix (De La) is an African-American television writer. He navigates a minstrel show complete with three-dimensional characters such as Aunt Jemima, Man Tan, and Sleep ââ¬Ënââ¬â¢ Eat. The writerââ¬â¢s intention in the beginning was to invoke popular outrage to facilitate his sacking from the television station (Ebert 1). This would relieve him of the obligations that he considers tiresome and boring. Surprisingly, however, De Laââ¬â¢s show succeeds massively to the extent that the outrage against it becomes negligible and irrelevant. Alongside the African-American
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Economic Concepts of Vicarious Liability
Economic Concepts of Vicarious Liability a) Explain the economic logic behind laws related to the concept of vicarious liability The simple definition of vicarious liability is where an individual or firm can be held responsible for torts committed by another, the most common case for that is of employers and employees. Vicarious liability differs from secondary liability as it doesnt deal with cases of negligence on the employers behalf, it instead relates to the scope of employment not the respondent superior. Normally when torts are committed the liability lies with the person who authorises the tort, however this is not always enough hence the introduction of vicarious liability. If companies know that they can be held vicariously liable and face the full cost for a tort then they will ensure they minimise the chances of committing a tort, this is done by better monitoring of the employees. This seems fine for large companies who have the money to monitor and the money to be able to pay any compensation. However small firms are far more disadvantaged as they dont have the resources to monitor or pay compen sation, this will mean the risk of accidents is not likely to decrease. Employers will more often than not be held vicariously liable for their employees actions. The Salmond test was developed in the 1930s to check if a tortuous act was part of an unauthorised act authorised by the employer or one the was instigate by the employee only. This was really the first definitions of vicarious liability and has been used as a test in many cases since. However over the years it has become more watered down slightly in favour of the employers. By 1969 the government had introduced a law forcing companies to take out insurance to cover cases of vicarious liability. The Employees Liability Act meant that any company in the UK would have to insure against liability of its employees and of its own actions. This would now mean that even if the company didnt take care the insurance would be able to pay the full social cost of the tort. The act also made it compulsory to have à £5 million of insu rance to make sure it will cover the full liability claim for compensation. It should therefore be in the employers interest to take more care of what they task employees to do knowing that ultimate responsibility can lie with the employer. The law up to the late 1990s stipulated that the employer could only be found vicariously liable if it was found they had authorised the employee to do something that was unauthorised. If however the employer was found not to have authorised any such behaviour the employer himself would be found liable. Since 2001 the House of Lords sees that we should focus on the link between what it is an employee is tasked to do and the nature of the tort committed. In most cases it makes good economic sense that employers should be found to be liable as well as the employees. Not just because they have a greater ability to pay compensation but because they should take more care when overlooking what their employees are tasked to do. b) In the case of an employer/employee relationship, is there a case for extending liability beyond the employer? To analyse this properly it is best to look at some recent case studies. One of the largest rail crashes on the British rail system was the Hatfield rail crash in 2000, it left 4 people dead and 102 injured. After the crash a long and painstaking enquiry took place to see how the crash happened and who the blame lied with. The enquiry found that a section of the track was badly damaged which led to the train derailing, the section of track was found to have been neglected for a period of 21months. The court held the maintenance company (Balfour Beatty) liable and fined them à £10 million pounds, a record amount for the time. The court also gave the parent company of Balfour Beatty a hefty fine, Balfour Beatty was managed by Railtrack who were handed a à £3.5 million fine for breaching safety rules. The judge said it was ââ¬Å"one of the worst examples of sustained industrial negligence in a high risk industryâ⬠the crash could have been easily averted if a safety checking pla n was in place and properly followed. In this case liability had to be extended beyond the employer Balfour Beatty as Railtrack were at fault for not properly regulating the maintenance work. There was however no charges brought against the employees as they were only following the orders of the employer Balfour Beatty. In this case Balfour Beatty should take most of the blame as they are mainly at fault for not implementing the correct maintenance procedures. However Railtrack should and rightly took some of the blame as they should have been more closely supervising the what company they controlled was doing as it was in their interests. If a company van driver for example injures a pedestrian on a crossing who is liable? The employer can be liable for hiring a incompetent driver, but also the driver can be held liable as he was careless in his driving. So in a case like this it is right to extend liability as the company cannot be held solely liable due the driver not taking due care in his job. However it is usual that the pedestrian would only sue the company that employs the driver, this is mainly because it is harder to sue on a personal liability claim and also the companies have a greater ability to pay compensation. c) Is there a case for criminal liability in the context of vicarious liability? In most cases firms are vicariously liable in cases of civil liability, however they can also been prosecuted as part of criminal vicarious liability. The conventional thinking is that adding criminal liability to strict vicarious liability is a good thing, it should reduce corporate crime and also be efficient in its prevention. However more recent analysis suggest that in some cases adding vicarious liability to corporate criminal liability does not encourage corporations to be more cautious. It is widely said that trying to add criminal liability to vicariously liability is extremely complicated. Taking the case of Ferguson vs Weaving as an example vicarious liability was trying to be applied to a charge of aiding and abetting. Weaving was the licensee of a hotel, she was charged with aiding and abetting for allowing drinkers to consume alcohol after the hours permitted by the law. The licensee said that it wasnt her fault as she had instructed the waiters and waitresses to collec t up glasses before 10pm, the time at which she was licensed to allow consumption of alcohol. The court did not sympathise with her and were only concerned with the fact that she had broken the law. Therefore ultimate responsibility lay with the licensee and she was charged with aiding and abetting unlawful drinking. In many ways criminal liability should be extended to the vicariously liable firm as ultimately it is the firm that is responsible for its employees, obviously if the employee does some that is completely unauthorised buy the firm, it should be the employee that receives any criminal charges. Vicarious criminal liability however is not always useful as explained by Kraakman firms seem to be immune to criminal sanctions. The criminal penalties on firms are just not large enough to deter torts. In the case of Railtrack and Balfour Beatty the fines were argued to be non efficient, the money they were fined does not do the general public any good. Money they could have spent on improving the rail service was lost through the fine, instead it could have been better to force criminal charges on the two companies and forced them to invest in the rail network. References: Liability in Tort, 3400 Vicarious and corporate civil liability, Reinier H. Kraakman Vicarious Liability in Criminal Law, The Modern Law Review, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Jul., 1951), pp. 334-340, J. Ll. J. Edwards The Potentially Perverse Effects of Corporate Criminal Liability, The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Jun., 1994), pp. 833-867, Jennifer Arlen Employers liability (compulsory insurance) act 1969
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Special Education Essay -- Education Teaching
Introduction Since the passing of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), schools are required to serve all students regardless of their disability in a least restrictive environment. Due to increase in the number of students being identified and placed in general education classrooms, educators can expect to serve students with disabilities. It is important to understand the different types of disabilities, the characteristics of these disabilities, and causes; in order to ensure the success of students. This paper will define severe disabilities, mental retardation, traumatic brain injury, autism, and deaf-blindness. In addition, this paper will address the characteristics and causes of each disability. Definition of Severe Disabilities There are many different definitions used to define the meaning of severe disabilities, a general definition for severe disabilities is any disability that significantly limits a person's physical, mental or emotional performance, and requires ongoing extensive support in more than one major life activity in order to participate fully in education, community settings or work. According, to Heward (2009), severe disabilities includes, ââ¬Å"students with significant disabilities in intellectual, physical, and/or social functioning, students that have multiple disabilities or deaf-blindness, students with severe mental retardation, severe emotional disturbance, and severe disabilities or health impairments are encompassed by the termâ⬠(p.453). Characteristics of Severe Disabilities Depending upon, the combination and severity of disabilities, and the age of the person with severe disabilities they may exhibit a wide range of characteristics, however, ââ¬Å"one defining characteristic ... ...ents that has one or more disabilites. By having a better understanding of the defintion, characteristics, and causes of these disabiliteis educators can be better prepared to instuct their students. By gaining a better insight of theses students and how they learn, educators can use effective strategies to ensure the success of all students. Works Cited Heward, W. L. (2009). Exceptional children: An introduction to special education (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (2004). Disabilities Fact Sheet. Retrieved January 8, 2011 from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (n.d.). Traumatic Brain Injury Information Page. Retrieved January 8, 2011 from
Monday, November 11, 2019
Proof of Unreliability in the Cask of Amontillado
Michael Ljubsa ID# 1790093 Rashmi Jyoti ENGL-103 CU85 Word Count: 998 Proof of Unreliability in The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe is an author known for his pieces of literature which capture the element of mystery. Many times, scholars debate over the true meaning behind his texts as they are often written as narratives. This combination of an unclear meaning behind his work and the fact that his stories are narratives often leads to the question of, ââ¬Å"To what extent can the narrator be relied upon? â⬠The same issue arises in Poe's, ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠.The story is a reflection of the past, involving a plot that evolves into a murder mystery involving two gentlemen, Montresor and Fortunato. The story is told from Montresor's point of view, recalling an event that occured fifty years ago. Montresor secretly despises Fortunato due to past ââ¬Å"insultsâ⬠that are claimed to be unforgiveable. Montresor demands revenge for these acts and plans Fo rtunato's murder and later tricks him into death. The story provokes questioning as to whether the narrator of the story can be relied upon to accurately display the events described.In Edgar Allan Poe's, ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠, Montresor does not provide enough insight into the information that remains with hidden meaning. He fails to provide significant causes for action due to the lack of description and proof, and the arugment of whether Montresor could be considered insane also arises. Montresor only further confuses the reader by pointing out all the obvious irony surrounding the two main characters Montresor and Fortunato. Therefore, the narrator's accounts cannot be considered reliable.The lack of Montresor's ability to explain the past and why he feels such a hatred towards Fortunato is why his account of the story cannot be relied upon. ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠begins with Montresor providing his own reason for wishing death upon Fortunato. The two first lines read, ââ¬Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revengeâ⬠(218). Right from the start the reader is confused as to what this ââ¬Å"insultâ⬠actually is, as it remains to go unexplained for the remainder of the story. In her article discussing ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠, Elena V. Baraban asks, ââ¬Å"Why did he do it? (47) The intrigue of the story comes from attempting to answer this seemingly simple question. Many stories would provide a motive and reason for such horrendous acts; however, Montresor provides no such explanation for the murder he commits. It can be continually questioned as to what this ââ¬Å"insultâ⬠was, as no rational person would avenge an insult with murder. The narrator's reliabilty is questioned even further considering Montresor withstood ââ¬Å"thousand injuriesâ⬠borne upon him by Fortunato. It seems as though Montresor was not remotely bot hered by these injuries, which reiterates the question of: Why did he do it?What exactly made Montresor take Fortunato's insult in such a disrespectful and hateful way that would make him wish death upon Fortunato? This confusion proves the narrators unreliability. A second idea supporting the notion that Montresor is an unreliable narrator is the seemingly apparent insanity of Montresor. Restating the thought of Montresor murdering Fortunato over an insult supports the idea of Montresor being insane. An instance where Montresor could be viewed as insane would be where he is imprisoning the helpless Fortunato behind a brick wall that he has constructed. I placed my hand upon the solid fabric of the catacombs, and felt satisfied. ââ¬Å"(222) The gratification that comes of ease over Montresor as a result of his murder makes insanity a high possibility for a motif behind his actions. Montressor's fulfillment is also shown when he states, ââ¬Å"My heart grew sick; it was the dampness of the catacombs that made it soâ⬠(223). Even after fifty years, Montresor feels absolutely no remorse for his actions. Such a lack of sorrow and guilt, even after fifty years, could only be found with a psychopath. Montresor's insanity makes his description even more unreliable.Another aspect of the story that makes Montressor unreliable is all the irony that he brings to our attention. We find that Fortunato is named ironically, as Fortunato, closely resembles the word ââ¬Å"fortunateâ⬠. This man resembling the word ââ¬Å"fortunateâ⬠actually ends up having a very unfortunate death as he is manipulated by Montresor and gets buried alive. Additionally, Fortunato wears a jest costume complete with the cap and bells. This provides early signs that Fortunato is to become a fool. On the other hand, Montresor wears a silk black mask showing the readers that he is indeed the dark, manipulative figure in the story.Another example of irony is how the setting of the story is initially the carnival, and quickly turns into that of the dark, damp, catacombs. All of these examples make the story sound too ironic in a sense, therefore, its credibility is hard to trust. This, along with other ironic events such as the Montresor family crest meaning, ââ¬Å"No one insults me with impunityâ⬠(220), and Fortunato drinking a wine named De Grave (grave), proves this story's undependable plot. It can be clearly seen that the narrator provides a recollection of events that are obviously unreliable.The fact that no reason for cause is shown by the narrator, as well as the likelihood of the character playing the narrator being unquestionably insane, proves that the story is unreliable. These factors, in addition to the confusion resulting of endless irony would make any logical reader question the validity of the narrators accounts. A story such as ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠shows readers that narratives require some sense of background information and that the character narrating should be viewed as logical, in order to be considered reliable.Also, the plot must not be twisted by some sort of other element, such as irony, which was seen in this story. A combination of such factors will allow readers to depict the narrators accounts as an accurate portrayal. References: Baraban, Elena. ââ¬Å"The Motive for Murder in ââ¬ËThe Cask of Amontillado. â⬠Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 58. 2. (2004): 47-62. Print. Poe, Edger Allan. ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontillado. â⬠Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, Eighth Edition. Ed. Michael Rosenberg. Boston: Wadsworth, 2012. 218-223. Print.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Behavioral and Cognitive Learning
In behavioral theory, learning involves changes or modifications in our behavior which had in turn been influenced, strengthened or weakened by the environment or other external influences. The introduction of reinforcers greatly impacts behavior. Cognitive theory, on the other hand, posits that individuals are actively involved in the learning process. Rather than external influences, learning depends on already existing prior knowledge.Following this logic, this means that each student after a straight lecture will leave the room carrying with him different sets of new knowledge. A major difference between the two theories is that proponents of behaviorists suggest that learning is involuntary while cognitive learning contends that people are in control of their own learning. For believers of the behavioral theory, the approach to training would be the regular use of contiguity and reinforcers.Contiguity is based on association of experiences that occur in sequence. This is much li ke Pavlovââ¬â¢s dog which salivates in the presence of food. When food was preceded by the ringing of a bell, the dog soon salivates at the ring of the bell. Introduction of reinforcers is another method employed by the behaviorists. This involves a reward-and-punishment scheme on ending or strengthening behavior. Hence, if you do well as a participant, you would probably receive a positive reinforcement so as to further strengthen such behavior.For trainers who employ the cognitive learning theories, they will most likely provide lessons organized in a way that would take into consideration a studentââ¬â¢s experience and stage of development such that prerequisite trainings may have to be recommended to be taken first before moving on into an advanced stage. General skills will be taught first, reasons and motivations for tasks will usually be provided and group work promoted. Reference Michigan State University. (2005). Teach online. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from http://t eachvu. vu. msu. edu/public/designers/what_is_learning/index. php? page_num=5. Behavioral And Cognitive Learning In behavioral theory, learning involves changes or modifications in our behavior which had in turn been influenced, strengthened or weakened by the environment or other external influences. The introduction of reinforcers greatly impacts behavior. Cognitive theory, on the other hand, posits that individuals are actively involved in the learning process. Rather than external influences, learning depends on already existing prior knowledge.Following this logic, this means that each student after a straight lecture will leave the room carrying with him different sets of new knowledge. A major difference between the two theories is that proponents of behaviorists suggest that learning is involuntary while cognitive learning contends that people are in control of their own learning. For believers of the behavioral theory, the approach to training would be the regular use of contiguity and reinforcers.Contiguity is based on association of experiences that occur in sequence. This is much li ke Pavlovââ¬â¢s dog which salivates in the presence of food. When food was preceded by the ringing of a bell, the dog soon salivates at the ring of the bell. Introduction of reinforcers is another method employed by the behaviorists. This involves a reward-and-punishment scheme on ending or strengthening behavior. Hence, if you do well as a participant, you would probably receive a positive reinforcement so as to further strengthen such behavior.For trainers who employ the cognitive learning theories, they will most likely provide lessons organized in a way that would take into consideration a studentââ¬â¢s experience and stage of development such that prerequisite trainings may have to be recommended to be taken first before moving on into an advanced stage. General skills will be taught first, reasons and motivations for tasks will usually be provided and group work promoted. Reference Michigan State University. (2005). Teach online. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from http://t eachvu. vu. msu. edu/public/design
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Journal Entry Essays
Journal Entry Essays Journal Entry Essay Journal Entry Essay In the article ââ¬Å"Urban and rural students swap places to learn about different livesâ⬠, which appeared on on May 23, 2007, the issue of education and how students learn to overcome their differences through awareness. This particular news story deals with two groups of students from Alaska who are part of an exchange program to help bring awareness to students about the differences in the way each group lives. One group is from a tiny Eskimo village in Alaska, and the others from a suburb of Anchorage. Each group lives a completely different way of life despite the fact that they all live in the same state. The educators in this case felt that through the exchange program students could learn to appreciate the different ways of life that each lives and to learn more about the world around them and their neighbors. The rural teens were amazed at how many varieties of food there were in the supermarkets and how less expensive it was, and were amazed at the different s tores and even the indoor plumbing. The urban teens were shocked by the exact opposite in the rural village, yet they all learned to appreciate not only the way of life of the other teens, but to appreciate what is special about themselves and their life.I selected this article because it deals with education and how educators are trying to overcome some of the differences that exist in society and some of the social, political, and racial inequalities. Through the exchange program teens of different cultures get to learn about each other through their time with their host families and in the different area, and also get an education about people who are their neighbors, in a sense. The teachers responsible for this program are hoping to bring unity to Alaska and to connect it to classroom curriculum ranging from healthcare to economy. I was attracted to this story because it is a beautiful example of how education and understanding can lead to more acceptance amongst people of diff erent social groups, as in the case with the Eskimo children and the other Alaskan children. This is an important social issue because if more educators would adopt similar methods then we could foster more understanding amongst different groups within our own nation. This innovative approach shows a social solution that can help many other educators around the country if they were to implement this type of program to help children of different races, religions, income levels, and nationalities within our own country learn to appreciate and understand each other.Journal Entry # 2The article ââ¬Å"Gold Star wives help a new generation of war widowsâ⬠that appeared on on May 26, 2007 is an interesting look at the way that our own suffering can be a basis for helping others in similar situations. The article deals with the social issue of war and how it affects not only the people in the midst of the war but the wives, husbands, and children that are left behind by the me n and women who die in the war in Iraq. I was attracted to it because of the closeness to Memorial Day and the fact that is encourages people to reach out to others going through problems.This article is about a woman named Marie Speer who lost her husband in WWII and how she founded this organization called Gold Star Wives, which was established to help war widows in many various ways, from friendship and compassion, to helping lobby for benefits for the wives and husbands of those lost in the war. The women of this organization have all lost husbands to war and know how it feels, but instead of doing nothing they reach out to others through the organization. This is an example of how we as Americans, no matter what our thoughts on politics and the war, can use our own compassion to help others, no matter our situation in life. It also shows how, no matter the generational difference, some things, like losing a spouse in the war, can link us to those who dealt with similar things b efore us. The war in Iraq is a major social issue right now, politically, but the social impact of this is felt greatly by the spouses of the men and women fighting in Iraq. This article gives us a look at how we can come up with solutions to some issues by reaching out to people who are in pain. While this organization is not a solution to the war, it is a help to people.Journal Entry # 3The article ââ¬Å"The First Stepsâ⬠by Alex Tresniowski, et al, appears in the May 7, 2007 issue of People Magazine and is a look at the healing process that is happening at the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia following the massacre that killed 33 students in Norris Hall on April 16th. This article is unlike many of the others because instead of dealing with the dark, brooding gunman or all of the mistakes and issues that led up to the shooting, it deals with how the students affected will take steps to heal and help create a better environment for all students on campus. This ar ticle was interesting to me because it was not just another doom and gloom article about the tragedy but point out what was being done right by the Virginia Tech students, faculty, and campus administrators to help the college heal. Violence has become such a huge social problem in our society and this issue was made even more glaring by this particular school shooting. The articleââ¬â¢s look at the counseling being offered, the changes in the college, and most especially the way that the community, parents, and students are all reaching out to each other as a means of healing is incredible. It also shows how they are hoping to eliminate loners and outcasts like the shooter by reaching out to their fellow classmates in need. Instead of dwelling on the bad, they are looking for something positive to come out of the tragedy.I was attracted to this article because of the hopefulness that it leaves the reader with, especially concerning something as troubling as the Virginia Tech Mas sacre. This is such an important social issue because it is so prevalent in our nation and what makes people commit violence is still not really understood. It is hard to remember that out of the pain of such an event there can come something wonderful and positive, like a new spirit amongst people or a greater awareness of the signs of mental illness. Also, just simply being out to reach out to others. Itââ¬â¢s relation to the social issue of violence also attracted me because that is such a large problem in our society, and the solutions given are interesting and uplifting.Journal Entry #4The article ââ¬Å"Global Fund Saves 1.8 Million Livesâ⬠appeared on the website on May 24, 2007. The ONE is a new poverty campaign that aims at helping ââ¬Å"to make poverty historyâ⬠. Some new bills have been passed recently, including education-related issues, and it has become well-known in the press because of publicity gained from its appearance on American Idol and at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. in 2006. This particular article deals with the response from the American Congress and how much money they have given to the Global Fund in support of the various programs that are helping to end world hunger, poverty, and disease.In summary, this article is about the money grants given to and the Global Fund, both of which are dedicated to ending poverty, hunger, and disease in third-world nations around the world. Because of the insistance of and other organizations the United States has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars towards helping their cause and there has been some great progress, including many lives saved because of insecticides, medicine, food, and nets that help to protect people from the things that harm them in other countries.This story attracted me because I really feel strongly about ending world poverty and giving everyone in the world a chance at a good quality of life. I feel that we in th e United States are especially responsible for helping others who are less fortunate. The issue of poverty is an important social issue that is dealt with not only around the world, but in our own country as well; however, this article is especially interesting because it gives ideas on how we can help. The article talked about how just donating insecticide-treated nets to families with children can help to stop disease and that 3,000 people every day are saved just by this one program. One person can be saved simply by donating one net. Itââ¬â¢s important to understand how we can get involved, even if we have limited means ourselves.Journal Entry # 5The article ââ¬Å"U.N. Presses for Peace in Darfurâ⬠appeared on the Los Angeles Times website on May 27, 2007 and deals with the conflict in Sudan and how the U.N. is trying to create a change for the better in that country by encouraging peace within its borders. The article talks about the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the t ypes of terrible violence going on there, particularly amongst the militia and rebel groups. The article is about the U.N.ââ¬â¢s push for Sudan to call a cease-fire and to start peace talks so that the violence can end. It also talks about the many peacekeepers who are proposed to go in and help create a more stable nation for the people who live there under violent conditions.The social issue that is happening right now in Darfur is critical. There has been genocide happening there fore years and many people live in refugee camps because their homes, land, and country have been filled with so much violence and war for so long. This article deals with the social issue of war, as well as poverty, and global inequality. The war going on there has created a global inequality unlike any other nation, and has caused so many people to descend into poverty and hunger. People are dying everyday because of the conflict and while the U.N. is taking notice they are not able to convince Darf ur to stop the violence and create a better nation for the men and women who live there.I was attracted to this article because it is about an issue that is really at the forefront of the minds of many right now because of the publicity it has gotten from celebrities and the media. This article also has some solutions in it that are interesting, pointing out what is being done by the U.N. to help bring peace to Darfur, including the unification conference between the African Union and the U.N. that has happened recently. While Darfur is still a social problem, the involvement of the U.N. in the peace process is encouraging.Journal Entry # 6The article ââ¬Å"Trial set to begin in Mississippi civil rights-era caseâ⬠by Jerry Mitchell appeared the USA Today on May 24, 2007 and deals with the case of a man who is facing charges for killing two African-American teenagers in 1964. In the past few years there has been a push in Mississippi to bring to justice former klansmen and othe r racists who killed civil rights workers and African-Americans during a time and in a place where discrimination was so abundant that no one would convict them. This case is one of these, and is an interesting look at how the justice system can be corrupt and yet, today, we can try to make things right.James Seale is 71 years old now, but in 1964 he was arrested and admitted to beating Henry Dee and Charles Moore, two black teenagers who were hitchhiking and picked up by a vehicle of klansmen, including Seale. They were beaten to death and then weighted down and thrown into the Mississippi River. Seale was arrested and interrogated and admitted to beating them and even admitted that God knew he killed them to an FBI agent, but told authorities they would have to prove it. In the deep south in 1964, he was never prosecuted and charges were dropped. Today, however, authorities in the South are looking to make right on the racial injustice that took place there by prosecuting the kill ers now in hopes of showing the world that the new South doesnââ¬â¢t let people go for killing another person just because of the color of their skin.This article attracted me because racial inequality has always been such a problem in the U.S. and the fact that so many people got away with murder in the South just because they killed black people has always haunted the nation. Now, as a social solution, prosecutors are setting out to change that by punishing these people now for the sins of the past in the hopes that the deaths of so many during the civil rights-era can be vindicated. The criminal justice system is looking past race in Mississippi and doing what is legally and morally right.
Monday, November 4, 2019
American Civil War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American Civil War - Term Paper Example On the other part, North states were against slavery. The South wanted the new states to be slavery states, but the North wanted such states to be Free states. The southerners preferred wanted new territories to be granted the right to vote on whether they would be Free states or slave states according to the stateââ¬â¢s rights. The issue of slavery was heightened by the North abolition movements such as the Free-state movements of Kansas. The southerners claimed that the federal government was prohibited by the tenth amendment from interfering with their right to own property and slaves. The southerners believed that the US constitution denied the states the right to act independently and decide whether to implement certain federal acts (Arnold and Wiener 19). The election of Abraham Lincoln as the President also stirred the slavery debate after he asserted that slavery should be abolished. South Carolina seceded from the Union with other seven states thus forming the Confederate States of America (CSA). The civil war broke after the secession of South Carolina and other south states that created the Confederate Constitution that granted more autonomy to the states. In February 1861, the south started seizing federal forts and repulsed the supply ships. Lincoln was inaugurated in March 1861 and vowed to fight secession of the south (Kingseed 41). Fort Sumter was attacked in April 1861 and the southern commanders allowed the Union troops to leave the fort safely. President Lincoln called for army volunteers and proclaimed a blockade of the south thus leading to the Bull Run battle in July 21, 1861. The Bull Run was the first major battle that was fought at Manassas Junction near Washington, D.C. The north lost the battle and the troops retreated to the capital. In the battle, Gen McDowell of north led 30,000 men against 22,000 southern troops but ultimately the North lost and Lincoln replaced McDowell with Gen McClellan. The battle of Shiloh was fought in Ap ril 1861 in Tennessee whereby both sides incurred heavy casualties with Gen Grant overcoming the southern forces (Kingseed 76). Another significant event was the Peninsular Campaign of March-July 1862 that occurred in South Virginia whereby Gen McClellan attacked Richmond via the South, but assumed defensive tactic rather than pressurizing for victory. In September 1862, the Antietam battle occurred in Maryland whereby more than 23,000 troops from both sides died with southern troops led by Gen Lee retreating to Virginia (Kingseed 88). In the same month of September 1862, President Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation after the Antietam victory by claiming that all rebelling states would be finally freed and European nations should not participate in the war as it would amount making a decision on the issue of slavery (Rees 99). In July 1863, Vicksburg surrendered to Gen Grant and all the Mississippi River became under control of the Union forces. In March 1864, Gen Grant assaulted Richmond in Washington, DC and marched on with the fight even though he lost 55,000 soldiers in Central Virginia after encountering Gen Lee troops in his march to Richmond in May 1864. In the Atlanta to Savannah battle of September-December 1864, Gen Sherman of Union troops destroyed the railway lines, burned crops and destroyed all the buildings in order to demoralize the southern troops. In January, 1865, the confederacy
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Does Violent Video Gaming Have an Effect on Children Research Paper
Does Violent Video Gaming Have an Effect on Children - Research Paper Example Kim et al (2010) have mentioned that ââ¬Å"excessive playing of video games may result in impaired academic performance (Kim et al, 2010). It is an accepted fact that most of the modern videogames are thought provoking and hence it can improve childrenââ¬â¢s skills such as numerical ability, problem solving, decision making, synthesis, analysis etc. At the same time, it should be noted that spending too much time for playing videogames may have detrimental effect on children as far as the academic achievements of the children are concerned. The increased influence of video games will force the children to decrease the time spent for learning academic topics. In other words, children who spent more time for playing videogames may spent little time for doing their home works, assignments or project works. Failure in doing home works may result in poor academic performances of the children in schools. Poor academic performances of the children may generate criticism from family and teachers which may generate frustration in the minds of children. Increased frustration may often come out in the form of violent behaviors. In other words, even nonviolent videogames can generate violent behavior indirectly among children. Children may discuss the themes of the violent videogames they played even at schools and they may try to implement it in their real life also. For example, Grand Theft Auto is one of the most popular videogames among children at present. The theme of this videogame is a motor vehicle theft as the name indicates. Same way Mortal Kombat is another videogame in which the major theme is fighting. Such videogames will definitely encourage children to do the same activities in their real life as they... Children of current generation are not much keen in playing physically hardworking sports and games; they are more interested in spending as much time in front of the computers, mobile phones or television sets for playing videogames. According to Gouzouasis et al (n. d), ââ¬Å"the type of extra-curricular activities like playing an instrument versus playing video games has differential effects on the personââ¬â¢s skill acquisition and personality developmentâ⬠. The themes of majority of the videogames currently available are violence. Many people believe that violent videogames play a vital role in the personality development of children. Moreover, many of the school violence incidents are happening as a result of the increasing influence of violent videogames upon children. Children who engaged in playing violent videogames may try to practice violence in their real life also. At the same time many other people believe that violence in videogames may not affect childrenâ⠬â¢s attitude or character very much. Videogames playing may have some utility as far as the mental development of the children are concerned. However, playing violent videogames may always affect the children negatively. Unknowingly children may develop violent behaviors as a result of continuous playing of violent videogames. Since children have less awareness in segregating good and evil, they may often try to practice the themes they observed in the violent videogames in their real life. Many of the school violence incidents are taking place as a result of the increasing influence of violent videogames upon children. In short, videogame playing, especially the violent videogame playing should be restricted among children. Parents and teachers should focus more on student activities and they should assist the children in the selection of videogames for playing.
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